Uses radar to study clouds and precipitation from space. Includes mission information, instrument specifications, news, data products, cloud art, and images.
CloudSat - Instrument: Home
The minimum detectable reflectivity factor requirement was reduced to -26 dBZ when the mission was changed to put CloudSat into a higher orbit for formation flying. To achieve sufficient cloud detection sensitivity, a relatively low frequency (i.e. <94 GHz) radar would require an enormous antenna and high peak power.
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CloudSat Overview
CloudSat data provides a rich source of information for evaluating cloud properties derived from other satellite sensors, notably but not exclusively from other members of the A-Train.
When launched in 2004, CloudSat—part of the new A-train constellation—will provide much needed measurements of the vertical structure of clouds from space.
CloudSat Canada Page - Colorado State University
Oct 30, 2007 · This is your portal page to the CloudSat Canada page - here you will find links to the GLOBE Data Entry page, our satellite overpass predictor for your school, as well as forms and updates that you'll find useful as you and your students help participate in the CloudSat mission.
Go to the CloudSat Data Processing Center’s website: http://www.cloudsat.cira.colostate.edu/dpcstatusQL.php Locate and click on the granule number that corresponds with your date and time
CloudSat - News: 2008
CloudSat profiled Hurricane Gustav on September 1, 2008 as the storm made landfall in Louisiana. Gustav was the seventh tropical cyclone, the second major hurricane of Atlantic season and caused widespread damage across Haiti, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Cuba and the United States.
CloudSat - Cloud Art: Home
Here on the Gallery page you can find the very latest videos from the CloudSat mission.
factor impacting CloudSat was formation flying with other A-Train satellites. CloudSat was drifting outside of it’s control box and in danger of impacting other satellites. CloudSat’s spin rate was unstable and firing the system’s thrusters to change position would endanger the already delicate power system. The team came up with a
CloudSat Education Network: Login - Colorado State University
Aug 28, 2006 · \-- cheap footer - replace with the Real CloudSat Footer (TM) someday --> Contact the CloudSat Outreach team: cloudsatoutreach@atmos.colostate.edu Last Update: 28 August 2006
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