Brand Guidelines - Clipper
Please download and read the Clipper Brand Standards Guide Opens in new window and use the link included in the guide to complete the Clipper Brand Compliance Review form and upload any materials featuring the Clipper name or any of the logos, card graphics or photos below.
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Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
Home | Clipper
Clipper is the all-in-one transit card used for contactless fare payments throughout the San Francisco Bay Area.
Wherever the logo icon is used without the wordmark (e.g., on the Clipper card), the baseline of the “®” should line up with the bottom point of the largest triangle.
Using Clipper | Clipper
You can add a Clipper card to your iPhone or Android phone: To add a card to your iPhone (or Apple Watch), open the Apple Wallet app and click the “+” plus icon. Select Clipper card and follow the instructions to add a card and load value. See the …
guidelines cover logo, typography, colors, graphics, language, and other aspects of the brand. Why should these guidelines be used? The Clipper brand name, the Clipper logo and the image of the Clipper card are all registered trademarks and may not be used without permission from MTC. These are, and should always be, the most consistent ...
Account Management | Clipper
For a $3 fee, we can replace your adult, Youth or Senior Clipper card and restore your balance. At your request, we can mail you a new card with your balance restored, typically within 2 business days.
Reload Card | Clipper - clippercard.com
Need your value now? Find the nearest retailer, self-serve machine or staffed service location to reload your Clipper card. The value will be available instantly.
Manage Your Card with the Clipper app! - clippercard.com
Add a Clipper Card to Apple Wallet. Adding Clipper to Wallet lets you pay fares with your phone through your mobile wallet. Register a Plastic Clipper Card. Adding a plastic Clipper card lets you manage your account through the app, but it does not let you pay fares with your phone
Clipper Card . Use it to show you are eligible. for discount fares when you pay with cash on Bay Area transit. Use it as a Clipper card. to conveniently pay discounted fares on public transit around the Bay Area. Clipper ofers other beneits: • Automatic discounts using passes or cash value • Many convenient ways to load
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