Christ City Church revolves around the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Christ is the object of our faith, the One we follow, and the One we invite others to follow. Where we see …
Christ City is a family committed to meeting regularly as a collective of Gospel Communities to worship the Father in the Spirit through the Word, songs, prayer and sacraments. We remind …
At Christ City Church, we uphold the historic Christian faith, passed down from Jesus, through the early church, and to the global church today. That faith is built upon Scripture, and well …
Our vision is inspired by the ways Jesus speaks about the kingdom of heaven through stories, metaphors and parables and meets others in their neediness and sacred worth- A place to …
A place to belong. A place to know God. Join us on Sundays at 531 S. McLean Blvd. at 10:30am where we encounter Christ together through song, sermon, and sacrament.
At Christ City, you can expect to find a small faith family who believes in a big God, that happens to gather together in another church’s space, as we encourage one another to follow Jesus …