Chekhov's Gun: What are your thoughts? : r/writing - Reddit
Chekhov's gun is a practical application of that vague directive to omit useless words. I do not agree that the gun must go off at some point at all, but it should still have a purpose in the story. It is perfectly fine to tell me that the shady guy who runs the amusement park has a sawed-off coach gun over his door even if that gun never goes ...
What's your favorite example of Chekhov's Gun in a movie?
Sep 6, 2023 · The rifle is a literal Chekhov's Gun, but really just about everything that happens in Act 1 of that movie is an example of a Chekhov's Gun. Reply reply james02135
Is the "Chekhov's gun" rule a good one - Reddit
A good example of Chekhov's Gun in this context would be the boiler in The Shining. Can't remember exactly what's said as it's been years, but basically the guy says something like "This boiler could blow up the hotel so you have to press this button to relieve the pressure," and you just know from that point on that the boiler is the gun that ...
I fucking hate Chekhov's Gun. : r/writing - Reddit
Mar 2, 2018 · That said, the converse of Chekhov’s Gun is that a gun fired onstage must first be introduced, and I find this to be a far more important principle. Foreshadowing is one thing, but pulling a plot-critical element out of nowhere is cheap and leaves your audience in doubt of their ability to anticipate and therefore comprehend their work.
ELI5: What are MacGuffin devices and Chekhov's Gun in films?
A Chekhov's Gun is an element that is introduced early in the story, usually in a way that would seem insignificant, and then plays out much later - for example a gun that appears in the beginning of the film, and is used in the end. I don't really see …
What's the deal with "Chekhov's Gun"? : r/writing - Reddit
Jun 4, 2012 · Checkhov's gun is more of a technique than a rule, and it applies to object more than characters. Imagine you spend a while describing an object (like a rifle hanging on the wall).
What is your favourite use of Chekhov’s Gun? : r/movies - Reddit
May 26, 2024 · For those who are unfamiliar with the term. Chekhov’s Gun: A narrative principle where an element introduced into a story first seems unimportant but will later take on great significance. Usually it’s an object or person, but it can also be an idea or concept. A classic and well known example that I like:
What is an example of Chekhov’s gun? : r/writers - Reddit
Apr 15, 2023 · A successful Chekhov's Gun: At the start of Lord of the Rings Frodo has to get the ring to Mordor and throw it in. At the end Frodo gets to Mordor and throws in the ring. A failing of Chekhov's Gun: In the movie Suicide Squad, the character Captain Boomerang has a …
Hightown - 3x06 "Chekhov's Gun" - Episode Discussion
Mar 1, 2024 · Season 3 Episode 6: Chekhov's Gun Aired : March 1, 2024 Synopsis : Owen is more dangerous than ever and he's taking Sarah; Jackie closes in on the prostitutes' killer; Charmaine and Osito resume their partnership.
Chekhov's Gun : r/DnD - Reddit
May 11, 2015 · The Chekhov's gun concept was an issue for my conception of the Tyranny of Dragons storyline - the PCs are supposed to work to keep the cult from bringing Tiamat into the world, but as a storyteller running the modules, I really thought the payoff at the end of the campaign was "firing the gun" and letting the players fight Tiamat.