Cerner PowerChart Tips/Tricks? - Physician Assistant Forum
Jul 31, 2020 · I just started using Cerner for my new inpatient job and find it to be the least intuitive EMR system I've encountered thus far. My training was a brief Zoom session where I could barely hear the instructor's voice. Please give me your favorite tips/tricks to navigate the system. I'm trying to "F...
Microsoft Surface Pro for clinic? - Physician Assistant Forum
Sep 9, 2015 · Yea, the ipad pro is interesting, but I think the ipad software/OS is just too limiting for other applications. Cerner has a decent App for the their idevices, but we need to access radiology from other websites and use Outlook -- which I am afraid an iPad will not do well with. I like that the Surface Pro is basically a PC in tablet form.
EMR - Which is the best? - Physician Assistant Forum
Sep 15, 2010 · I know that this question has been asked before, but which EMR do you recommend (or don't recommend)? I'm looking for one that is; a) flexible, b) adaptable to small practices, c) integrates billing and patient accounts.
anyone using Cerner in clinic? - Professional PA General Discussion ...
Jun 30, 2016 · What are your thoughts for Cerner in clinical (non-hospital) use? Thanks.
Cerner Templates - Professional PA General Discussion - Physician ...
Dec 23, 2016 · Used Cerner at my old job. I had my likes and dislikes, but when I got really familiar with MedHost at my current job, I realized how much I missed Cerner. I've also gotten very familiar with Epic at alternate sites I sometimes work, and that's now my preferred EMR. Cerner is just a stripped-down, less comprehensive version of Epic
Professional PA General Discussion - Page 43 - Physician Assistant …
Mar 19, 2021 · A forum for graduated PAs to discuss topics of interest. Students and applicants may participate in relevant topics, but are to start new threads in their respective sections only, NOT here. Threads or posts not on topic will be deleted or moved to the appropriate forum at moderator discretion.
Options other than PA school, science B.S.
Feb 8, 2019 · I love cerner for the ER. I learned the system in 1 day better than I knew epic after 15+ years at that point. The whole chart is chronological, just like an actual encounter. start at the top, fill in the sections, and you are done. labs and xrays populate into the chart, rxs and instructions are easy. I like Electronic T- system also.
Medical Voice Recognition Software - Dragon is sucking now
Jul 21, 2021 · Nuance Dragon is phasing out DMNE and going to something call Dragon Medical One (DMO). I have tried it and it sucks. Gone are all years of DMNE learning my style, diction, etc. I am starting from scratch with DMO not even being able to spell my name unless I enter each name separately and say it...
Pros and Cons of Community Health Center?
Jan 7, 2018 · Before and during PA school, I had the opportunity to work with Cerner, AllScripts, Epic, Centricity, and NextGen. NextGen was without a doubt the worst (too much clicking and repetition as mentioned, no quicktexts/templates). Admittedly I've only worked with it for 5 weeks on an FM rotation at a CHC that operated like a circus.
Finishing charts each evening at home - Physician Assistant Forum
Mar 19, 2014 · VS paper cerner probably adds 10 min to each pt encounter and epic probably more like 15. even a suture removal in epic requires a full note with medical decision making, a full template, a procedure note, etc. totally ridiculous. if places want to double staff to see the same # of patients I guess that is job security for those in medical fields.