Cephus cinctus - Wikipedia
Cephus cinctus, also known as wheat stem sawfly, [1] is a slow flying, yellow and black coloured, destructive pest found mainly in western North America. [2][3] Wheat stem sawflies grow to a length of 7 to 12 mm, with males being smaller than females. [2] .
Species Cephus cinctus - Western Wheat Stem Sawfly
May 25, 2024 · Larva overwinters within a wheat stub, under the ground. In the spring it pupates and emerges as an adult in June. The female lays a single egg and the larva feeds inside the stem until late summer. earliest NA record: CO, NV 1872; major pest of wheat and other cereals since 1895 (economically important damage is concentrated in the n.
Wheat Stem Sawfly
Nov 1, 2013 · WSS larva revealed in split stem. The wheat stem sawfly is not a fly, but rather a herbivorous wasp. Infested plants will have reduced yield and test weight and produce shriveled grains; mature larvae may or may not girdle plants at their base, inducing lodging.
Cephus cinctus | i5k Workspace@NAL - USDA
Cephus cinctus, also known as wheat stem sawfly, is a slow flying, yellow and black colored, destructive pest found mainly in western North America. The adult fly grows to a length of 7 to 12 mm. Males are considerably smaller than females.
Cephus cinctus - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Aug 14, 2020 · Norton (1872) described the wheat stem sawfly Cephus cinctus from an adult specimen collected from native grass in Colorado. In the USA, C. cinctus occurs west of the Mississippi River to the Pacific and south to latitude 36 degree (Holmes, 1979), and in Canada, from Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and British Columbia (Weiss & Morrill, 1992).
Wheat Stem Sawflies: Cephus cinctus Norton, Cephus pygmaeus …
Cephus cinctus is widely distributed across North America, from California to the Mississippi River and British Columbia to Manitoba. Many authorities consider it a native North American insect which adapted to wheat as European settlers began large-scale cultivation of cereal crops.
Phylogeography of the Wheat Stem Sawfly, Cephus cinctus …
The wheat stem sawfly, Cephus cinctus Norton (Hymenoptera: Cephidae), is a key pest of wheat in the northern Great Plains of North America, and damage resulting from this species has recently expanded southward.
The West Palaearctic genera of Nematinae (Hymenoptera, …
Here, we present a condensed version of that key, covering only the West Palaearctic genera, with which it should be possible to identify most specimens more easily. Included are treatments of the species of some smaller genera: Hemichroa, Mesoneura, Neodineura, Platycampus, and …
Cephus cinctus (wheat stem sawfly) - PlantwisePlus Knowledge …
C. cinctus is the most important consistent pest of wheat in the northern Great Plains of North America. Damage originally occurred in spring wheat, but, since 1980, winter wheat has also been attacked (Morrill et al., 1992).
Wheat Stem Sawfly (Cephus cinctus) | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
Cephus cinctus. Common Name. wheat stem sawfly. Kingdom. Animalia. Location in Taxonomic Tree . Genus. Cephus. Species. Cephus cinctus. Identification Numbers. TSN: 152857. Geography. Working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people.