How to: Know when Castrum is going to spawn in Bozja : r/ffxiv
Oct 20, 2020 · I see a ton of confusion around Castrum spawn timers so I figured I'd make a post here to help. There are two statements that hold true regarding Castrum spawn timers. In a fresh instance, Castrum will spawn in exactly 60minutes. In a non-fresh instance, Castrum will spawn 60minutes from when the previous Castrum CE closes.
Castrum Lacus Litore new rewards : r/ffxiv - Reddit
The buff lasts for 1 hour, castrum takes 1 hour to pop. There is zero chance that it isn't intended to be used for castrum. 5 clusters is so easy to farm while waiting for it to pop up, hell you probably get 5 accidentally as long as you are actively killing stuff. If you want to do castrum/CE's you'll make sure you have it.
CASTRUM : r/ffxiv - Reddit
The Bojzan Castrum non help thing was just the straw that broke the camel's back for me. I love this game. The story, world, characters and music is some of my favorites from the franchise, but I've just been met time and time again with bad players and unhelpful ppl. In a world this large it's just so lonely and unforgiving.
Castrum Abania Weapons? : r/ffxiv - Reddit
PD:Interesting Trivia, the sets from Castrum Abania and Aetherochemical Research Facilty/Neverreap are actually from a game called Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together, producer Yoshida LOVES that game so he wanted to implement them on FFXIV.I don't know where are Castrum Abania's weapons from tho... maybe from Grand Blue Fantasy? who knows ...
Castrum Lacus Litore really needs its timer reduced to spawn
Castrum runs just fine. I will sit in instance doing nothing and it spawns every 30-40 ish mins. But I also play during peak hours so there are lots of people farming fates and CE’s.
How do I join Castrum Lacus Litore? : r/ffxiv - Reddit
Oct 17, 2020 · Every hour after an instance starts, if there's enough people above rank 10, Castrum will appear and be joinable by anyone at said rank. However, it has a nasty penchant for appearing after other Critical Engagements and often time you have to ask others in the instance for info on when the Castrum unlocks.
Bozjan Duty Blocking : r/ffxiv - Reddit
Jan 12, 2022 · Now everyone is so crazy wanting to get all classes to 90 ASAP farming Bozja's skirmishes and CE's that everyone ignores Dalriada and Castrum Lacus Litore. I dunno if they did this by fear of Bozja turning into another Eureka (abandoned 90% of the time) but this solution clearly should be revised.
Castrum Fluminis is the new Steps of Faith : r/ffxiv - Reddit
Jun 1, 2018 · Just like the Royal Menagerie and the Final Steps of Faith got easier as people got better gear, so too will Castrum Fluminis become easier as people get better gear. The (original) Steps of Faith was in a very different situation because most people were already "done" gearing up by the time it released.
Cannot get castrum done : r/ffxiv - Reddit
Feb 15, 2021 · Castrum can be run successfully with 16 competent players using essences and lost actions. But add in 8 people that don't read chat, refuse to form full parties, don't use essences, lost actions, or potions, and die frequently to mechanics, and the whole raid will fail.
what do people mean when they say "Castrum"? - Reddit
Jul 19, 2022 · There's only four Castrums people would talk about, and of those only two usually come up: Castrum Meridianum and Castrum Lacus Litore. You can almost always tell which is meant by context since one is a relatively low-level dungeon and the other is a higher-level raid in a zone with special mechanics.