Carinhall - Wikipedia
Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Göring, built in the 1930s on a large hunting estate north-east of Berlin in the Schorfheide Forest, in the south of Brandenburg, between the lakes of Großdöllner See and Wuckersee.
Carinhall – The ruins of Herrmann Görings Villa - Digital Cosmonaut
In the heart of (one of) central Europe’s largest nature reserves – the Schorfheide – lie the ruins of Carinhall – Herrmann Göring’s luxurious villa, attracting treasure hunters, Neo-Nazis and the curious alike.
Goering’s Carinhalle. - WW2 Gravestone
Carinhall was the country residence of Hermann Goering. It was built on a large hunting estate northeast of Berlin in the Schornheide forest, between the lakes Großdöllner See and Wuckersee in the north of Brandenburg.
In 1933, Herman Göring created his very own realm, a lavishly designed hunting lodge – Carinhall – not far from Berlin. We take a closer look at the history of this mysterious place. The second man in the Third Reich created his very own realm "for eternity" not far from Berlin.
Marklin at Carinhall: Hermann Goring’s Miniature Railway
Dec 30, 2011 · Thanks to many months of research, incredible photos and documents were discovered relating to Hermann Goring’s railways and his house at Carinhall where they were contained.
The Hermann Göring Collection - Germania International
Hermann Göring raised these magnificent beasts on a ranch near Carinhalle, his estate in the forest of the Schorfheide. It is thought that bison came to North America during the Peistocene Epoch via the Bering land bridge, but they originated in their present form in Europe.
The Hermann Göring Collection - Germania International
Presented here is the best part of a collection of the finest objects once owned by the Reichsmarschal Hermann Wilhelm Göring and kept at his estates and hunting lodges at Carinhalle and Romintin in the old state of Prussia.
Schatzsucher.de - Carinhall
Etwa 65 km nördlich Berlins liegt mit 1259 Quadratkilometern das größte Naturschutzgebiet Mitteleuropas. Die Schorfheide. Hier siedelten einst Slawen, Germanen und Askanier. Seit dem 12. Jahrhundert war es das bevorzugte Jagdgebiet der jeweiligen Landesherren.
Carinhall | estate, Germany | Britannica
Learn about this topic in these articles: This he called Carinhall in honour of his first wife. It was at Carinhall that he kept the greater part of his enormous art collection. On June 2, 1938, Emmy bore him a daughter, his only child, Edda.
Göring’s collection at Carinhall - Heidelberg University
Göring stored most of his works of art, which he began to collect in the 1930s, in Carinhall, located about 60 km northeast of Berlin, in idyllic countryside. There, in 1933, he built a hunting lodge, which, after several large extensions in 1936–1937, …