Russian call signs not accessible. - QRZ Forums
Mar 4, 2022 · It seems that Russian call signs are not accessible in the database. When I type a Russian call sign, I get no results. But the missing call signs are still in the database and can be accessed by locator. For example, search using the locator KO85 (Moscow). You will find matches, Names and Adresses, etc...
CQ Zones wrong for many call signs - QRZ Forums
Oct 29, 2023 · I have noticed a discrepancy in the database between the CQ Zones that appear when you look at a call signs details. Example: IW2HAJ's listing shows CQ Zone 36 when it should be CQ Zone 15. The same is true for S54MC, YT5A, SN3A, CN3A, TM2T, GM5G, OR2M, IR6T, M6T, 9A3B, OT7T, OH8L, PV2G, CA3VAK, TI1E, CQ8M, V26B.
Special Events and 1x1 Calls - QRZ Forums
Jul 14, 2014 · Examples of the use of one-by-one call signs by amateur stations include a wide variety of events such as conventions, festivals, dedications and anniversaries. A one-by-one call sign consists of a single prefix letter (K, N, or W), the region number (0 to 9), and a single suffix letter (A to Z, except the letter X). There are 750 such call signs.
Group 'conversation' not recognizing call signs - QRZ Forums
Feb 8, 2024 · Hi folks - when I try and start a conversation with a group of 11 local hams - it does not recognize the call signs. All the call signs are legitimate, separated by commas, and regardless of upper/lower case - it just doesn't work. (call signs redacted for privacy) I must be doing something wrong - can anyone help? Thank you ! 73 Jim, WQ2H
Managing Multiple Call signs | QRZ Forums
May 28, 2023 · I manage three call signs (2 of my onw and one club sign) I seem to be having problems with the club call sign (VE3KBR). Everything seems OK except when I go to the awards section and do an analyze, it appears to be looking at …
two of the same call signs in my QRZ Logbook
Aug 11, 2023 · Question I have a couple of Call Signs in my QRZ logbook that are the same but they have not been confirmed and also I delated a call sign that was the... QRZ Forums Home Forums > QRZ Community, Database Helpers, and Info > QRZ Site Community Help Center >
Feb 27, 2003 · Call signs which were currently un-used at day 1 would be allocated first, followed, if eventually proved necessary, by those which were still in use before day 1. 3 Channel Islands. The population is reasonably small, and the first letter of the suffix could be used to preserve the difference between the current Guernsey and Jersey calls.
Add My Call Sign to QRZ - Database Helpers Forum
Jan 19, 2025 · Add My Call Sign to QRZ - Database Helpers Forum. Post here to get your call sign added to QRZ. Read the Instructions first. This is ONLY FOR NON-US HAMS. Hams in the US will automatically populate including new call signs
Petition calls on Ofcom to issue Vanity Call Signs
Jun 11, 2019 · The FCC in the USA offers amateur licensees the opportunity to request a specific call sign for a primary station and for a club station also known as a vanity call signs, A Vanity call sign is a call sign that the licensee wants assigned in place of an existing call sign.
Ofcom makes ham radio G5 plus 3 letter calls available
Dec 27, 2018 · One can only obtain a four-character call in the USA only by using the vanity program. In my case, I came to dislike my sequentially assigned KD8EN call. On phone, people misheard the "D", the "E", or the "N". On code, people accustomed to working hams with 2x3 call signs repeatedly asked for the nonexistent third letter of my suffix.