Calcinosis treatment - Scleroderma - Inspire
Oct 9, 2021 · However, I have recently learned that low Vitamin D is especially a problem associated with calcinosis so am thinking of seeing the doctor to get my levels checked and find out if there is a way to address this, without potentially causing more harm, should they prove to be very low. It might be something you want to investigate yourself.
Calcinosis - Scleroderma - Inspire
Jul 13, 2015 · I had calcinosis on index finger and elbow of right arm. I used lavender essential oil mixed with coconut oil and massaged into area. My index finger has completely healed and there is only a small scab left on elbow. Elbow is no longer sensitive/painful when touched.
Calcinosis surgery on elbow - Scleroderma - Inspire
Mar 21, 2015 · Hi Bamboopanda and thanks for responding. The entire affected area on my right elbow is about 1.5 by 1 inch with 10 calcinosis heads and new thick fibrotic tissue around them. I have had calcinosis on the elbow for years but since taking calcium supplements the last few months the area doubled in size.
What does calcinosis start out looking like? - Scleroderma - Inspire
Jul 22, 2011 · Years ago my doctor told me I had calcinosis but it was much different.I had it on my chest,legs and arms.It was kind of like I went to the beach and the sand had crept under my skin.If I scratched hard they would come out.I put a couple under a microscope and they looked just like sand or epsom salts crystals.Still don't know if the doctor was correct.
calcinosis - Scleroderma - Inspire
Jul 28, 2013 · The National Scleroderma Foundation Support Community connects patients, families, friends and caregivers for support and inspiration.
How does calcinosis start? - Scleroderma - Inspire
May 4, 2013 · According to my readings, the best way to get rid of Calcinosis, is to take Vitamin K2, Chanca Piedra tea and Essaic tea. Chanca Piedro - removes oxalate crystals, gallstones, kidney stones and combined with Essiac tea and B6, aids in eliminating calcinosis cutis.
Calcinosis on Elbow - Scleroderma - Inspire
Apr 22, 2020 · About a year later a calcinosis on my finger got infected and based on the previous experiences, I got on antibiotics right away. However the calcinosis was encapsulated so the antibiotics did not work and I had to get IV antibiotics plus my scleroderma doc ordered a flolan infusion to help blood flow and healing.
Calcinosis progression - Scleroderma - Inspire
Jul 21, 2020 · I have calcinosis in multiple places, but the most bothersome and severe is on my forearms/elbows, at places that get frequent pressure. I've been on various medications to try to reduce the growth, but I haven't noticed that they helped much. I have had some of the calcinosis lumps removed surgically, the first time about 4 years ago.
Calcinosis and painful fingers - Scleroderma - Inspire
Feb 23, 2014 · This is regarding the injury theory of Calcinosis formation. My elbow joint that is full of Calcinosis is the location of my blood draws. My shoulder is where I carried my heavy purse for years. My forearm is where I carried shopping bags to spare my hands. That area grows more when used through fatigue.
CALCINOSIS AND RAYNAUD'S - Scleroderma - Inspire
Apr 5, 2013 · Interesting to me that other places exposed to cold acquire calcium, your nose and ears. I know they are separate isses, not everyone who has Raynaud's has calcinosis, but since no one seems to know what exacerbates calcium deposits it might be something to just look at. I'm also aware others acquire sheets of calcium throughout the body.