BabyLand General® Hospital - Cabbage Patch Kids
Babyland General Hospital is the only place in the world where you can witness the birth of a hand-sculpted Cabbage Patch Kid. The self-guided tour allows you to take as much time as you like touring BabyLand and playing with our Cabbage Patch …
BabyLand General® Hospital Tour - Cabbage Patch Kids
When you first enter BabyLand General Hospital, you will be welcomed by one of our nurses stationed at the front desk. Just like a real hospital, we like to ask our visitors to sign in. After signing in you may begin your self-guided tour of our beautiful new facility.
Cabbage Patch Kids
BabyLand General Hospital in Cleveland Georgia is the birthplace of the Little People and Cabbage Patch Kids. We have the largest selection of Cabbage Patch Kids available anywhere in the world. You are sure to find your perfect match in our Cabbage Patch.
BabyLand General Hospital - All You Need to Know BEFORE ... - Tripadvisor
New home of the Cabbage Patch Kids. Free Admission. Deliveries Daily. There are thousands of Cabbage Patch Kids just waiting to be adopted. Big and small, Preemies, Newborns and 'Kids, from bald to a full head of hair, every baby has a name, birthday and a hard to resist personality.
Cabbage Patch Kids Babyland General Hospital Tour and Birth
A long but full tour of Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, Georgia, complete with the birth of a new baby at the end. This is where Cabbage Patch Kids a...
Babyland General Hospital: Cabbage Patch Kids - Atlas Obscura
Jan 16, 2013 · Babyland General Hospital: Cabbage Patch Kids A museum and doll store featuring a surreal and super sanitized version of where babies come from. Cleveland, Georgia
Inside the Cabbage Patch Kids' Babyland General Hospital in …
Apr 19, 2024 · I took my kids to the Cabbage Patch Kids' museum-meets-nursery in rural Georgia. Here's what happened. According to company lore, Cabbage Patch Kids are born at Babyland General Hospital,...
Meet The Magic Of Cabbage Patch Kids At Babyland General
Sep 19, 2024 · Babyland General Hospital in Cleveland, Georgia, is a whimsical place where Cabbage Patch Kids come to life. This unique destination offers a blend of nostalgia and fun for both kids and adults. Let's explore the enchanting spots within this magical world.
Georgia's Babyland General Hospital: A Day Trip to the Cabbage Patch ...
Aug 19, 2020 · If you've ever wondered how the iconic Cabbage Patch Doll is actually born, a visit to North Georgia's Babyland General Hospital may render you and your family speechless (and provide a fun and unexpected daytrip from Atlanta).
BabyLand General Hospital, Cleveland, Georgia - Roadside America
BabyLand is the place where Cabbage Patch Kids are "born." It's in the hometown of the Kids' creator, Xavier Roberts, who first opened BabyLand hospital in an old medical clinic. The new BabyLand facility is vastly larger.