design - How are CPUs designed? - Electrical Engineering Stack …
But how to design a CPU must start with a Spec., namely; Why design a CPU and make measurable benchmarks to achieve such as; - Macro instructions per second (MIPS) (more …
How do I design my very own ARM based processors?
Design a CPU from scratch in VHDL or Verilog. Design another CPU from scratch. Look at the ARM instruction set and design a compatible CPU. Make your ARM-Compatible CPU work in …
microprocessor - Very simple CPU design in LogiSim - Electrical ...
Nov 22, 2016 · Through reading Code, I understand the basic logic behind a CPU, and have begun building one in LogiSim. Chapter 17 in Code details the CPU I want to build, but the …
cpu - How to get a processor design onto FPGA - Electrical …
Jun 18, 2013 · When you synthesize a design the synthesizer should give you a report on the resources used, like number of gates and RAM. This should give you an idea what parts are …
arm - microcontroller / cpu design book? - Electrical Engineering …
Apr 24, 2017 · Reset and clocking are actually part of the state machine learning, getting the state machine going and thinking in terms of each pass through the logic/code is a clock cycle in the …
cpu - Simple "Computer Design" project - Electrical Engineering …
"Microprocessor Design" is a rough draft of a book on how to design microprocessors out of things like adders, FSMs, lookup tables, etc. "Digital Circuits" is a rough draft of a book that …
digital logic - Multicore CPU design dilemma on reading …
Feb 13, 2023 · The best way to deal with this is to design the system so that either your dual-port memory has a read-write side and a read-only side, or design it (in software or hardware) so …
tutorial - How does division occur in our computers? - Electrical ...
Nov 18, 2011 · \$\begingroup\$ @LeonHeller I usually agree with the questions you want closed, but CPU design is very much an electrical engineering question. This question could use some …
Problem with 5-staged pipeline CPU design
May 16, 2024 · We are doing a project designing a 5 staged pipelined CPU on RISC-V ISA, when designing the hazard detection unit and forwarding unit, instead of using the common datapath …
How to efficiently design the opcode for a CPU?
Jan 27, 2015 · Once I tried doing a 4-bit CPU with 8-bit instruction length core in Logisim. Ended up with a simple state machine, more than a CPU, really. Random things to look for. Huffman …