FILING OF ANNUAL RETURNS AND BUSINESS NAME RENEWALS. Pursuant to the Companies Act and the Registration of Business Names Act, all companies must file an annual return every year, and all business names must file a renewal every three years.
Search for Company or Business Name. Advanced Search. Note: Region, Filing Month and Business Activity filters (where applicable) will only apply to companies and business names that have been incorporated after 03 June 2019 or have been re-registered.
A brand/logo that is officially registered is legally protected and is safeguarded against others using the same or similar mark without authorisation. Email to find out how to register and protect your brand.
Botswana is represented by CIPA at the World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO), African Regional Intellectual Property Organisation (ARIPO), as well as the Corporate Registers Forum.
The Companies and Intellectual Property Authority (CIPA) is the first port of call for anyone who wants to start a business in Botswana. CIPA facilitates the registration of Business names and Companies for individuals, groups or corporations in accordance with the Companies Act and the Registration of Business Names Act.
A brand/logo that is officially registered is legally protected and is safeguarded against others using the same or similar mark without authorisation. Email to find out how to register and protect your brand.
Registering a trademark with CIPA gives your brand protection. Established brands are prone to copycats and counterfeits that may want to ride off their success. This confuses consumers in the marketplace, as they will not know which product is genuine and which is fake.
A brand/logo that is officially registered is legally protected and is safeguarded against others using the same or similar mark without authorisation. Email to find out how to register and protect your brand.