When exactly is Next.js “build-time” happening? - Stack Overflow
Oct 25, 2020 · This only runs during build-time (sort of). It's great for pre-rendering similar paths (like a /blog/:id) that require dynamic data to be used at build-time. When used in conjunction …
The constant Build.TIME in Android SDK - Stack Overflow
Sep 25, 2015 · // The following properties only make sense for internal engineering builds. public static final long TIME = getLong("ro.build.date.utc") * 1000; In other words: the value is simply …
Displaying build times in Visual Studio - Stack Overflow
Visual Studio 2012 - 2019. For MSBuild Projects (e.g., all .NET projects): Click Tools → Options and then select Projects and Solutions → Build and Run.
build process - How to decrease MSBuild times - Stack Overflow
MSBuild build time is a multi-dimensional problem. The good news that it is easy to solve: Unlike most of the processes running on the build machine, build processes are notorious for being …
How do I set environment variables during the "docker build" …
FROM ubuntu ARG BUILD_TIME=abc ENV RUN_TIME=123 RUN touch /env.txt RUN printenv > /env.txt You can override the build arg as you have done with docker build -t temp --build-arg …
c# - Displaying the build date - Stack Overflow
Oct 21, 2009 · The FilePath property is set to a BuildMetadata.cs file in the Xamarin.Forms project that contains a simple class with a string property BuildDate, into which the build time …
How can building a heap be O (n) time complexity? - Stack Overflow
Mar 18, 2012 · "The linear time bound of build Heap, can be shown by computing the sum of the heights of all the nodes in the heap, which is the maximum number of dashed lines. For the …
Track execution time per task in gradle script? - Stack Overflow
Aug 9, 2021 · This plugin by Pascal Hartig continuously logs your build times and provides CSV and bar chart summaries. The developer recommends it for monitoring your build times over …
c++ - Compile date and time using cmake - Stack Overflow
This means that every time you build your project, the dependencies are checked, and the CMake cache is cleared, causing CMake to be re-run for this timestamp library. A downside of this …
Displaying the build time-stamp in an application
This will produce a line "Build-Time: yyyyMMdd-HHmm". The format can be customized with: <properties> <maven.build.timestamp.format>yyyy-MM-dd …