Bronze turkey - Wikipedia
Bronze turkeys are the product of crossing domestic turkeys brought from England, with the wild turkey. These matings produced a bird that was larger and more robust than the European turkeys, and tamer than wild turkeys.
Bronze Turkey - Breed Profile - Backyard Poultry
Sep 1, 2022 · Larger than the south Mexican subspecies and naturally iridescent bronze, the eastern wild was crossed with domestic imports to create the heritage varieties known in …
STANDARD BRONZE TURKEY - The Livestock Conservancy
The Standard Bronze has been the most popular turkey variety for most of American history. It originated from crosses between the domestic turkeys brought by European colonists to the Americas and the eastern wild turkeys they found upon their arrival.
Bronze Turkey: The Domesticated Wild Turkey - MorningChores
This is a fun turkey variety, a close descendant to the Eastern Wild turkey. Well suited for free-ranging and open farms, a homesteader with space would love the addition of Bronze Turkeys to their property. Bronze Turkeys are also a beautiful and showy variety with the …
Bronze Turkeys | Oklahoma State University
The Bronze turkey is named for its unusual color, a shimmering green-bronze which appears metallic in the sunlight. It is found in two types, the Broad-breasted which has commercial uses, and the Unimproved (or naturally-mating), for small-scale production.
Murray McMurray Hatchery - Standard Bronze Turkeys
The Standard Bronze Turkey has a copper or bronze colored metallic sheen. This Heritage turkey breed originated from crossing domestic turkeys brought to the Americas by European colonists with eastern wild turkeys.
Bronze Turkey Breed: Profile, Characteristics, Origin, Size, Uses ...
Jan 4, 2024 · The Bronze Turkey breed has a fascinating origin story that traces back to the crossing of domestic turkeys with wild turkeys brought from England. This combination resulted in the creation of these magnificent birds that we know today.
Roberts Farm: Heritage Bronze Turkeys
The Bronze has been the most popular turkey variety for most of American history. It originated from crosses between the domestic turkeys brought by European colonists to the Americas and the eastern wild turkeys they found upon their arrival.
Bronze - Turkey - The Poultry Site
May 18, 2021 · Bronze turkeys originate from the USA. The breed developed when early colonists brought European domestic turkeys with them and they bred with the wild turkey population. They have a metallic bronze and green sheen to their feathers …
Bronze Turkey - Bearizona
Instead, they are a product of crossing domestic turkeys from England with wild turkeys found in North America and get their name from the bronze sheen of their plumage. Only male turkeys display their ruffled feathers, fanlike tail, bare head, and bright beard, though females will puff themselves up to imitate the males in dominance displays.
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