Why Does Hatsune Miku Not Talk to British People : r/Vocaloid
This is a discussion based subreddit for the popular ongoing Japanese light novel series Yōkoso Jitsuryoku Shijō Shugi no Kyōshitsu e, a.k.a Classroom of the Elite.
Why is there a myth that British people are ugly?
Sep 26, 2023 · It's increasingly common for British people to go to countries like Poland and Hungary for dentistry as it can work out cheaper. Canada and Ireland seem to have got the memo on that- what happened I think we used to have relatively poor dentistry/oral hygiene a few decades back, but nowadays it's just that cosmetic dental work is relatively ...
British body language - UsingEnglish.com
Mar 15, 2024 · Foreign people can take a British hug like this to be because of a lack of feeling between the people involved, but it shouldn’t usually be taken that way. British bodily contact Apart from the (fairly minimal) handshake when meeting someone, the general rule with strangers in the UK is “avoid absolutely all bodily contact”.
Ask British people anything! - Reddit
The effect this had is making defamation/libel suits against prominent people functionally impossible to do regardless of how nasty the content is. This is not the case in your country at all. The UK has such plaintiff friendly defamation/libel laws that it's become a place people will shop cases into knowing it's easier to win there.
80 British gestures - UsingEnglish.com
May 24, 2023 · The different British gestures for drinking could well reinforce foreign people’s stereotypes of my country! The first is with your open left hand held flat with your palm facing up, and your right hand above it with your thumb and first …
Brits and bad teeth. History of a stereotype : r/explainlikeimfive
People in other countries still did the things needed to keep their teeth healthy just like in the US, but didn't do the stuff to make them look good as much. When Americans saw British actors who had regular, healthy but maybe a bit crooked or yellow teeth it was very different from the perfect white teeth Americans usually saw on actors.
I hate British culture : r/unpopularopinion - Reddit
Nov 8, 2017 · In my life, I've met probably 100 British people. And I don't remember liking any of them. British people are the most arrogant pretentious people on the planet. It's in their culture to act like they're superior to you and insult you as soon as they meet you. Watch any British movie and try to tell me I'm wrong.
Why do British people reject me when I try to make friends
Jul 6, 2023 · Im british and it is so hard to make friends here. I live in the south of england and its alot less friendly than the midlands and up north. People are much more judgemental over petty things like trainers or your hair. I do think british people are quite cold. I was born here but I really don't feel much warmth from others tbh.
What do British people think of American accents? : r/Britain - Reddit
My family was Southern back to the 1890s and before. I was born and raised in Memphis and I've lived in various parts of the South, including Charleston SC. I've had friends from every Southern state except Virginia. And I've known people with PhDs who sound like hicks and people with "lyrical" accents who could barely sign their own name.
Differences between British and American emails
Nov 9, 2023 · Some British people, especially older ones, still resist “Hi guys”, especially if they are writing to mixed gender or all female groups of people. However, in general “Hi guys” has become equally common in the UK and United States when starting very informal group emails.