Light Brahma Hen vs Rooster - BackYard Chickens
Mar 5, 2021 · Also noteworthy: My light brahma hen was second to the top female at this age, so she was very dominant. Her name is Minnie but only because my daughter wanted to call her Meanie and I vetoed that. As an adult she is a sweet chicken, just a little head strong and stubborn sometimes.
Brahma - Bantam | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
May 15, 2017 · I have one cross beed hen. Ayam cemani with Brahma bantam. 1/6 eggs hatched, and I’ve been concerned because she is so docile and gentle. I absolutely love her she is the sweetest little chicken ever, she is 2 months old, Loves being held, carried not even a peep when being picked up. She lies down a lot, even when outside forageing.
How do you tell the Light Brahma rooster from the hens?
Nov 24, 2012 · Looks good. The Brahma roosters we've had have never been mean, but if you have a lot they be hard on your hens. A full body picture will tell if they're hens or roosters. I wasn't sure at first either, I'll have to post some more pictures.
Cream legbar roo over Brahma hen and others - BackYard Chickens
Jul 31, 2023 · The Brahma hens should have pea combs, and the Easter Eggers might too. From any hen with a pea comb, you should get at least some chicks with pea combs. But the chicks' combs are likely to be bigger and less tidy-looking than what their mothers have, because of crossing with the single-comb Legbar rooster.
Barred Rock/Light Brahma crosses? - BackYard Chickens
Apr 25, 2011 · Can't really tell from your pic. But I really don't think that he is crossed with barred rock. I don't claim to be a genetics expert. A barred rock male over light brahma female would give both barred males and females. If you reverse the cross you should get all barred males. Your bird is not barred, I think he is probably a hatchery light brahma.
The Brahma chicken | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Jul 13, 2023 · One of the most striking characteristics of the Brahma chicken is its sheer size. It is known as one of the largest American chicken breeds and a fully-grown Brahma roo can often weigh between 10 to 12 pounds (4.5 to 5.5 kilograms), while hens typically weigh around 8 to 10 pounds (3.5 to 4.5 kilograms).
Is this a Brahma hen? | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise …
Dec 8, 2023 · I'd love some help firstly identifying if my 12 week old chick is a hen, and secondly if she's a Brahma? She was hatched from an egg, and I was told it was a a Brahma, but I can't pick which colour she'd be, as she's not a Buff Brahma (she's too light), or a light Brahma (as she's not white!) Thanks in advance. She's my first chicken and she's ...
Will a Brahma cross hen go broody? - BackYard Chickens
Apr 9, 2024 · My brahma hen has went broody once. She was a mean broody. Ive noticed mine go broody in the fall instead of spring i have a bantam cochin whois broody right now. Could you use your brahma hens to hatch out pure eggs of a different breed maybe? I know there are plenty of breeds who are good layers as well as good for meat. But dont brood.
Brahma | BackYard Chickens - Learn How to Raise Chickens
May 15, 2017 · The Light and Dark Brahma were developed and included in the first edition of the American Poultry Association's Standard of Perfection in 1874 and the Buff variety was added in 1924. The Australian Poultry Association has accepted black, blue, partridge, crele and barred varieties of Brahma in addition to the standard light, dark, and buff.
Light Brahma... hen or rooster? - BackYard Chickens
Mar 28, 2010 · My Light Brahma's are very imposing hens, but they are not friendly, and seem to be a little aggressive with my other hens (they are the largest, by far). They are probably the least friendly and docile of the breeds I have.