Caring for Black Molly Fish: Breeding, Tank Setup, and Tips
Oct 3, 2024 · Black Molly Care Guide: Breeding, Tank Setup, and Tips for a Happy Fish. Quick navigation – Answers. Introduction; Origin; Sexing; Questions and answers; Advice by Jan, keeping fish since 1995. Brief Description. This page is dedicated to caring for Black Mollies in aquariums, featuring pictures, FAQs, and answers to common questions from ...
Black Molly Quarantine | Reef2Reef
Aug 16, 2019 · Evidence of ectoparasites (e.g. ich, velvet, brook) will show as white spots on a fish or translucent for flukes. This makes them easier to see on a black colored fish. A freshwater black molly will have no acquired immunity to marine diseases, thus making it probable for visible symptoms to show.
Can someone identify what disease my black molly has?
Jun 16, 2023 · I am a new fish owner, and I am also new to this community. I have a black molly fish, and she has some sort of illness that I am not sure of. At first I thought it was ick, but she only has 2 unusual white spots on her. She’s been like this for maybe 3 months. I …
Complete Guide to Keeping and Breeding Mollies: Care Tips and …
Aug 8, 2024 · Is the dull silvery coloured wild type molly. This common molly species can mate with the different molly species to produce the hybrids found in aquatic retail stores. The black molly is one of the strains produced from breeding P. sphenops with other molly species. Poecilia formosa. Is a hybridized version of the sailfin and pacific Mexican ...
black molly test for ich | Reef2Reef
May 20, 2020 · Regarding the molly idea - that is one of those things that got over-extrapolated. It is a nice theory, but in practice, it only works in limited instances. Here is a write-up I did on that: Using black mollies to screen an aquarium for Cryptocaryon
Best Molly for Algae Grazing | Reef2Reef
Jun 13, 2019 · 1. Standard Black Molly from Petsmart. Started with three. One died during acclimation. The other two fought until only one was left standing. 2. I've seen it nip at the seaweed clip but have never seen it grazing rocks or glass. Voracious eater of every frozen food offered. 3. Acclimated from fresh to full salt over about 4 hours. 4. A little ...
Mollies in a saltwater tank | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater and …
Sep 24, 2016 · Mollies are brackish water fish and when acclimating any fish you should take a little time. As you found out you can usually take a mollie and throw it from across the room into a tank full of salt water and it will probably live for five years.
White stringy poop?? Please Advise!! - REEF2REEF Saltwater and …
Apr 9, 2019 · Good Evening, I added these Freshwater black Molly’s and drip acclimated to my QT tank with my 3 Blue STAR LEOPARD wrasse to use them as canary fish to identify ich or other diseases. It was the easiest way for me to not use copper on the wrasses. Everything is good and they are eating but I...
Converting molies to salt water. | Reef2Reef - REEF2REEF Saltwater …
Mar 1, 2020 · I converted a fresh molly to a salt molly over 4 days in a small glass bowl. Just ran an airstone and would remove some water 3 times a day adding back salt water. I did it slow and gentle and the molly is doing great with all my other fish in the QT.
Can Mollies Live In Saltwater Long Term? | Reef2Reef
Oct 11, 2017 · I think both P. latipinna (Sailfin molly) and P. sphenops (common molly) can be acclimated to full salt. They commonly hybridise (with fertile offspring) and both are able to produce the 'black molly' offspring, those in the trade are often from breeders and often the lineage isn't as pure as it could be, so likely most black mollies in the ...