BITTERNESS Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of BITTER is being, inducing, or marked by the one of the five basic taste sensations that is peculiarly acrid, astringent, and often disagreeable and characteristic of citrus peels, unsweetened cocoa, black coffee, mature leafy greens (such as kale or mustard), or ale.
BITTERNESS | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
BITTERNESS definition: 1. an unpleasantly sharp taste 2. a feeling of anger and unhappiness: 3. an unpleasantly sharp…. Learn more.
What Causes the "Root of Bitterness" and How to Get Rid of It
Apr 21, 2021 · Bitterness blows out the candle of joy and leaves the soul in darkness. Here is what God's Word has to say about having a "bitter root" in your heart and how to get rid of...
3 Signs That Someone Has Become Bitter - Psychology Today
Nov 18, 2022 · What does “bitter” mean? Feeling emotionally bitter refers to feelings of sadness and anger, especially accumulated anger over time. Because feeling bitter involves a mix of emotions, it...
How People Become Bitter and Resentful - Psychology Today
Feeling bitter is the likely consequence of feeling invalidated and unappreciated in one too many situations and relationships. Emotional bitterness refers to feelings of sadness, resentment,...
bitterness noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage …
angry and unhappy feelings caused by the belief that you have been treated unfairly. The pay cut caused bitterness among the staff. (of arguments, disagreements, etc. ) the fact of being very serious and unpleasant, with a lot of anger and hate involved. (of food, etc.) the fact of having a strong, unpleasant taste that is not sweet.
Bitterness - definition of bitterness by The Free Dictionary
Having or being a taste that is sharp, acrid, and unpleasant. 2. Causing a sharply unpleasant, painful, or stinging sensation; harsh: enveloped in bitter cold; a bitter wind. 3. Difficult or distasteful to accept, admit, or bear: the bitter truth; bitter sorrow. 4. Proceeding from or exhibiting strong animosity: a bitter struggle; bitter foes. 5.
BITTERNESS Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
The bitter herbs at a Passover Seder are meant to remind us of the bitterness of slavery. a feeling of antagonism, hostility, or resentfulness: There was no shortage of people expressing …
Bitterness - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
a rough and bitter manner synonyms: acerbity , acrimony , jaundice , tartness , thorniness see more see less
bitterness, n. meanings, etymology and more - Oxford English …
What does the noun bitterness mean? There are five meanings listed in OED's entry for the noun bitterness. See ‘Meaning & use’ for definitions, usage, and quotation evidence. How common is the noun bitterness? How is the noun bitterness pronounced? Where …