Bioretention - Wikipedia
Bioretention is the process in which contaminants and sedimentation are removed from stormwater runoff. The main objective of the bioretention cell is to attenuate peak runoff as well as to remove stormwater runoff pollutants.
Bioretention practices, such as rain gardens, are landscaped depressions that treat on-site stormwater discharge from impervious surfaces such as roofs, driveways, sidewalks, parking lots and compacted lawns. They are used to collect stormwater and filter it through a mixture of soil, sand and/or gravel.
Fact Sheet: Bioretention Areas - MAPC
Sep 15, 2016 · Bioretention is an important technique that uses soil, plants and microbes to treat stormwater before it is infiltrated or discharged. Bioretention “cells” are shallow depressions filled with sandy soil, topped with a thick layer of mulch, and planted with dense vegetation.
Bioretention Design Handbook: Designing Holistic Bioretention …
Jul 14, 2023 · Bioretention facilities used throughout this document encompass bioretention, rain gardens, bioswales, bioretention planters/boxes, and tree pits. Design elements specific to each of these practices are called out when applicable.
Rain Gardens (BioRetention Cells) - a Stormwater BMP - Penn …
Aug 24, 2022 · Bioretention cells (sometimes called rain gardens) can attenuate stormwater peak runoff rates, infiltrate up to 90% of the annual rainfall, and greatly improves the quality of stormwater runoff. Bioretention Cells/Rain Gardens: What are they?
This document provides guidance for Caltrans designers for incorporating Bioretention as a Treatment Best Management Practice (TBMP) into projects during the planning and design phases of Caltrans highways and facilities.
Bioretention, bioretention cells – A best management practice that is a shallow, landscaped depression that receives and treats runoff with the goal of discharging water of a quality and quantity similar to that of a forested watershed. Bioretention cells typically consist of vegetation, and, optionally, an underdrain and an outlet structure.
Bioretention and biofiltration BMPs should be designed to drain below the planting soil in less than 48 hours and completely drain in less than 96 hours.
Best Management Practice Fact Sheet 9: Bioretention
Jan 27, 2020 · Bioretention cells that receive sediment loading tend to clog and hold water rather than infiltrate it. What Does Bioretention Do? The practice of bioretention was developed to reduce pollution in runoff from urban impervious surfaces during moderate storms.
Bioretention includes a family of practices that treat stormwater naturally by filtering runoff through vegetation and soil before it either recharges groundwater through deep infiltration or is discharged to a surface drainage system such as culverts or ditches.