Billy Binion on Twitter
Jun 21, 2022 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "Thread: Today, the Supreme Court covertly destroyed a precedent handed down exactly 51 years ago. Federal cops who try to kill you, who jail you on false charges, who violate the law in grotesque ways are now shielded from accountability.
Billy Binion on Twitter
Apr 26, 2023 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "Thread: The Supreme Court is hearing a big case tomorrow. It should unite everyone: left, right & center. And the national press has almost totally ignored it. It centers on an elderly woman who fell behind on her taxes. So the county took her home, sold it, and kept the profit. https://t.co/dDNs7zmXPA" / Twitter Billy ...
Billy Binion on Twitter: "A few months ago, we were told it was ...
Jul 29, 2022 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "A few months ago, we were told it was virtuous to mock folks who died of COVID, esp if they were vaccine-hesitant. With Monkeypox, we’re told it’s too far to ask gay men to temporarily desist from promiscuous sex.
Twitter. It’s what’s happening / Twitter
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Billy Binion on Twitter
Jan 25, 2023 · “Tomorrow, a federal court will hear a case that will have major implications for free speech. It centers around police jailing a woman because she was often critical of them, and a group of conservative judges who can't decide if that was unconstitutional. A thread.”
Billy Binion on Twitter
Feb 17, 2023 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "I was fascinated by the New York Times’ writers labeling “patient zero” hate speech in Emily Bazelon’s article. So I found the definitive book on the topic, written by a trans historian. The term he used: patient zero. And then I tracked him down. Here’s what he said." / Twitter Billy Binion @billybinion
Billy Binion on Twitter
Jun 16, 2023 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "Two years ago, I wrote about a police raid on an elderly man's home. Cops threw stun grenades into his house, broke every door w/ battering rams & arrested him. They had the wrong house. Still, he was unable to get justice. Watch for yourself. A thread. https://t.co/VmD1AFNRar" / Twitter Billy Binion @billybinion
Billy Binion on Twitter
Jan 18, 2023 · A year ago, I wrote about a 93-year-old woman who fell behind on her property taxes. So the government seized her home, sold it—and *kept the profit.* The Supreme Court has agreed to hear her case. But there are many stories like hers, and they'll shock you. A thread.
Billy Binion on Twitter
Dec 23, 2022 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "I spent the last year looking into a brutal rape case in Louisiana. A prison warden raped his cousin-in-law. And then the prosecutor did everything to sabotage the victim. This story says a lot about our system, & about how those who enforce the law are often above it. A thread." / Twitter Billy Binion @billybinion
Billy Binion on Twitter
May 7, 2023 · Billy Binion on Twitter: "Fun fact: Martin Luther King Jr. opposed blocking roadways & transit paths indefinitely because he understood it was more likely to piss people off than convince them.