Biedermeier - Wikipedia
The Biedermeier period was an era in Central European art and culture between 1815 and 1848 during which the middle classes grew in number and artists began producing works appealing to their sensibilities. The period began with the end of the Napoleonic Wars in 1815 and ended with the onset of the Revolutions of 1848.
Biedermeier style | German, Austrian & Scandinavian Design
Biedermeier style, in art, transitional period between Neoclassicism and Romanticism as it was interpreted by the bourgeoisie, particularly in Germany, Austria, northern Italy, and the Scandinavian countries.
Biedermeier Style of Art: History, Characteristics
The term "Biedermeier" (in use since around 1900) refers to the style of German Art of the 19th Century that flourished in painting, interior design and architecture, as Neoclassical art was giving way to Romanticism, that is, between 1815, the year of the Congress of Vienna (which redrew European borders at the end of the Napoleonic War), and 1...
Biedermeier - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Biedermeier was a time in the arts and German literature, which occurred between 1815 and 1848. In 1815, the Congress of Vienna ended the Napoleonic Wars. In 1848, there were revolutions in many European Countries. Between 1815 and 1848, the middle class grew.
The Biedermeier Era in Vienna - Visiting Vienna
May 9, 2024 · Imagine a well-to-do family in the early 19th century taking tea in their living room on nicely-upholstered, elegant chairs while listening to their daughter perform a delightful piece on the piano. That’s the Biedermeier era. Refers to a period of …
Biedermeier - Encyclopedia.com
Jun 27, 2018 · Biedermeier (bē´dərmīər), name applied, at first in a joking spirit, to a period of European culture and a style of furniture, decoration, and art originating in Germany early in the 19th cent. and especially popular there and in Austria.
Biedermeier – Wikipedia
Als Biedermeier wird die Zeitspanne vom Ende des Wiener Kongresses 1815 bis zum Beginn der bürgerlichen Revolution 1848 in den Ländern des Deutschen Bundes bezeichnet. Mit dem Ausdruck Biedermeier ist in der politischen Geschichte der Begriff der Restauration verknüpft, der sich auf die staatspolitische Entwicklung nach dem Ende der ...
Biedermeier (Epoche) | Merkmale, Vertreter, Werke - Wortwuchs
Der Biedermeier ist eine Epoche zwischen 1815 und 1848. Wir zeigen die Merkmale des Biedermeier in Kunst, Literatur und Geschichte durch Vertreter und Werke.
Biedermeier (Epoche) • Literaturepoche einfach erklärt
Der Biedermeier ist eine Epoche zwischen dem Wiener Kongress (1814/15) und der deutschen Revolution (1848). Ursprünglich bezeichnete er einen Möbelstil, später die Genremalerei und schließlich die bürgerliche Lebens- und Geisteshaltung. Im politischen Bereich ist der Biedermeier als Vormärz bekannt. Was ist die Biedermeier Epoche?
Vienna Biedermeier: Sentimental, Yet Restrained
Discover the Vienna Biedermeier movement (1815–1848), a sentimental and calm art style that shaped 19th-century Austria. Explore its key artists and legacy.