Benjamin Barber - Wikipedia
Benjamin R. Barber (August 2, 1939 – April 24, 2017) was an American political theorist and author, perhaps best known for his 1995 bestseller, Jihad vs. McWorld, and for 2013's If Mayors Ruled the World.
Benjamin R. Barber - Schumacher Center for a New Economics
Benjamin R. Barber (1939-2017) was an internationally renowned political scientist and activist. He combined a career as a distinguished scholar and political theorist with a life of practical commitment to democratic civic practices and the arts.
Biography - Benjamin R. Barber
Benjamin R. Barber is a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Dēmos, President and Founder of the international NGO CivWorld at Dēmos and the Interdependence Movement. He is Walt Whitman Professor of Political Science Emeritus, Rutgers University.
Benjamin R. Barber, Author of ‘Jihad vs. McWorld,’ Dies at 77
Apr 25, 2017 · Benjamin R. Barber, a political theorist whose 1995 book, “Jihad vs. McWorld,” presciently analyzed the socioeconomic forces leading to the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks and a surge in tribalism around...
Jihad vs. McWorld - Wikipedia
Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World is a 1995 book by American political scientist Benjamin Barber, in which he puts forth a theory that describes the struggle between "McWorld" (globalization and the corporate control of the political process) and "Jihad" (Arabic term for "struggle", here modified to mean ...
Benjamin R. Barber (1939-2017) - American Academy in Berlin
Benjamin R. Barber was a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Dēmos, president of the Interdependence Movement, and Walt Whitman Professor Emeritus at Rutgers University.
Benjamin Barber - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Benjamin R. Barber (August 2, 1939 – April 24, 2017) was an American political theorist and author. He was best known for his 1995 bestseller, Jihad vs. McWorld, and for 2013's If Mayors Ruled the World. Barber died on April 24, 2017 in New York City after a four-month battle with pancreatic cancer, aged 77. [1] [2]
Benjamin R. Barber - The Atlantic
Benjamin R. Barber is the first distinguished senior fellow at the Fordham University Urban Consortium, and the president and founder of the Interdependence Movement as well as the project...
Benjamin R. Barber | Cato Unbound
Benjamin R. Barber is a Senior Research Scholar at The Center on Philanthropy and Civil Society of The Graduate Center, The City University of New York. He is the President and Founder of the Interdependence Movement and Walt Whitman Professor of Political Science Emeritus at …
Benjamin R. Barber | Author | Common Dreams
Benjamin R. Barber was an American political theorist and author, perhaps best known for his 1995 bestseller, "Jihad vs. McWorld," and for 2013's "If Mayors Ruled the World" as well as the classic of democratic theory, 1984's "Strong Democracy" (revised in 2004).