Belford Diploma Mill Lawsuit - GetEducated
Belford network of diploma mills ordered in Michigan lawsuit to pay $22.7 million to students for scam selling fake degrees and high school GED diplomas
Belford University Scam - Distance Learning Forum - GetEducated
Aug 6, 2015 · Belford University and Belford HS have now updated their websites to new urls. Currently functionality of the transactions are currently disabled to purchase credentials, but who knows whether that will change in the near future. Still all the diploma mills below are operational. Ashbery University Ashwood University Cambell State University
Belford University - DegreeInfo
Jul 8, 2008 · I recently talked to a "student counselor" about Belford University, and this is what was said. (I'm S)-----Please wait for a Student Counselor to respond. All Student Counselors are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. The next available Student Counselor will be with you shortly. You are now chatting with 'Peter' Peter ...
Belford University | DegreeInfo
Sep 15, 2003 · Following the phony accreditor links on Belford's accreditation page, which is a fun read, leads to yet another, and very similar, mill Rochville University, along with a clutch of mills-in-the-making awaiting web sites.
Lorenz University - DegreeInfo
Apr 16, 2010 · Lorenz University is an accredited institution recognized by two renowned accreditation agencies for on-line education, namely the International Accreditation Association for Online Education (IAAFOE) and Accreditation Council for Distance Education (ACTDE). All degrees offered by Lorenz, therefore, benefit from having the recognition of these ...
Belford University time bomb explodes | DegreeInfo
Mar 2, 2009 · "Dr." Michael Wright, also from Southwest, lists not one, but two Ph.D. degrees from the Greenwich University. It also was forced to close. Still, the Tennessee Board of Regents said all three have legitimate masters' - the minimum requirements - so the board doesn't have a problem with their doctorate degrees.
John Bear's evaluation | DegreeInfo
May 31, 2010 · Breyer state University Canyon College Almeda University And many other questionable schools. Breyer state University is a 100 percent diploma Mill and so is Almeda University. They have some fake accreditation by some agencies etc. On the contrary Belford University which is diploma Mill is not listed . Strange isn it?.
belford university | DegreeInfo
Jun 14, 2004 · Belford University, whose Web site offers degrees in only 10 days for $249, is not listed in "2003-2004 Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education" (a publication of the American Council on Education).
Reply from Belford & Ashwood University - DegreeInfo
Aug 18, 2005 · Belford is a fully recognized university and has been awarded the status of accreditation from various official and semi-official institutes from around the world. All the Life Experience Degrees offered at Belford are completely legal and verified because of having recognition from these institutes.
West Clayton University - DegreeInfo
Jun 16, 2022 · School - West Clayton University!!!!Was a valid on line and small university prior to 2009. Lost accrediation due to mis managment of campus administration and school has since closed. DO NO ACCEPT ANY DEGREE"S BEYOND!! Very sad for people who went to legit school and now some scum is taking advantage of the opportunity to make money off people.