High Sierra 3D Archery Shoot - Team Whiskey
Family friendly 3D archery shoot event in the High Sierras. Heavenly Ski Resort on May 31 & June 1. Bear Valley Ski Resort on June 21 & 22. China Peak on July 19 & 20. Realistic bow-hunting courses for beginners and experts. Post event food, music and whiskey tasting.
Team Whiskey – Team Whiskey®
FREE SHIPPING ON ORDERS OVER $100!! High Sierra Archery Shoots are the best Archery Shoots in the country... Due to our own family’s experience we have found the local cancer support groups directly help families emotionally and financially. This is why we donate a portion of every purchase to Mary’s Team Whiskey Cancer Foundation.
Bear Valley Overview - Team Whiskey®
With 3 courses to choose from, food vendors, product vendors, beginner and kids archery area, onsite camping, and live music into the evening, this event is going to raise the bar on fun for all shoots. When you get done there will be food, whiskey, beer, vendors and live music. You/your group will be able to shoot one of the three courses per day.
High Sierra Archery Shoot Hoedown In The Sierras 2025 – Team Whiskey…
The High Sierra Archery Shoot Hoedown In The Sierras will take place on June 21st and 22nd, 2025 at Bear Valley Resort. REGISTRATION CLOSES FRIDAY, JUNE 13th 2025 at NOON. Take the Mokelumne Express up the mountain where you and your group will choose one of three courses. Choose the Whiskey Course for the biggest challenge.
Team Whiskey - Official flyer for the High Sierra Archery.
Jan 18, 2023 · Official flyer for the High Sierra Archery Shoot - Hoedown In The Sierras at Bear Valley Resort which takes place June 24th-25th, 2023! Tickets are now available at www.team-whiskey.com. Remember, lift times are assigned in the order of sign up with all 2 day ticket purchasers having priority over single day tickets.
Bear Archery - Official Site - Bowhunting & Archery Equipment
Bear Archery has been the industry standard for traditional recurves and longbows since 1933. Discover our traditional line of bows. Experience the ultimate in compact power with the Constrictor Pro Crossbow.
Team Whiskey Bear Valley Archery Shoot - YouTube
Jul 4, 2023 · 2023 Team Whiskey High Sierra Archery Shoot at Bear Valley Ski Resort.@teamwhiskey4507 @advancedoutdoortechnology6992 @migrationcancellationent.2666 @calibow...
Trophy Ridge V Max Whisker Biscuit Rest – Bear Archery
The all-new Trophy Ridge Whisker Biscuit V-series offers increased accuracy and efficiency over the tried and true Original Whisker Biscuit. With patented V-Notch technology, the Whisker Biscuit V is the perfect performance enhancement to any bow.
Team Whiskey Archery Shoot @skylinebearvalleyresort1728
2023 Team Whiskey Archery Shoot Skyline Bear Valley Resort This 3D shoot is one of the funnest shoots in California. I look forward to it every year. This ye...
We're hosting Team Whiskey's High... - Bear Valley Resort
We're hosting Team Whiskey's High Sierra Archery Shoot, Hoe Down In The Sierras, right here at Bear Valley Resort June 11-12! The archery event will feature three courses catering to different ability levels, live music, food, a full bar and on-site vendors. Click …