Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.
The Bank is currently providing all modern banking services to its customers through 50 online branches and is playing a leading role in the socio-economic development of the Government of Bangladesh.
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
Now Online Banking Services are available in all branches of BDBL. Following any customer through our online service. Be able to get the benefits: => Withdraw cash from any branch. => Cash deposit in any branch. => Fund transfer from any branch. => Open an account online. => Withdraw money through a debit card.
BDBL iBanking - Bangladesh Development Bank
Please do not share your User ID, Login password and One Time Password (OTP) with anyone, not even with any bank official. All the important information including your initial login …
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.-
Bangladesh Shilpa Bank (BSB) was established on October 31, 1972, for accelerating the industrial pace of the country by providing loans and equity to the industrial projects as per Bangladesh Shilpa Bank Order, 1972 (President’s Order No. 129 of 1972).
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
Principal Branch BDBL Bhaban, 8, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka-1000. Telephone: 02-223388326 Email: principal@bdbl.com.bd Routing Number:047271571 Branch Manager: Engr.
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
Our Mission To be competitive with other Banks and Financial Institutions in rendering services ; To contribute to the country’s socio-economic development by identifying new and profitable areas for investment ; To mobilize deposit for productive investment ; To expand branch network in …
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
BDBL Bhaban, 8, Rajuk Avenue, Dhaka-1000. Telephone:02-223356856 Email: bdm_head@bdbl.com.bd Department Head: Muhammad Ayub Ali Designation: Deputy …
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
From now on all our customers can easily access BDBL ibanking services by visiting and registering the link www.ibanking.bdbl.com.bd. Using the ‘BDBL i-BANKING’ Services, User can Enjoy the following Services/Features: >Get your details account information: Detailed account information (SB/CD/Transaction details/Loan/FDR/DPS etc.)
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.- - bdbl.com.bd
Bangladesh Development Bank PLC. Head Office, Dhaka. 2. Alternate Officer-in-Charge: Md. Masum Sayeed General Manager. Phone: 02223350688 gm_it@bdbl.com.bd. Information Technology & Risk Management Division Bangladesh Development Bank PLC. Head Office, Dhaka. 3. Responsible officer: Afsana Ferdousi Deputy General Manager. Phone: 02 …
BDBL-i-Banking - Bangladesh Development Bank PLC.-
From now on all our customers can easily access BDBL ibanking services by visiting and registering the link www.ibanking.bdbl.com.bd. Using the ‘BDBL i-BANKING’ Services, User can Enjoy the following Services/Features: >Get your …