BD MAX™ System - BD Molecular Diagnostics
The BD MAX™ System is a fully-integrated, automated platform that performs nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR providing results for up to 24 samples across multiple syndromes in less than three hours*.
BD MAX™ system
The BD MAX™ system offers you an efficient path to improved clinical outcomes by combining and automating extraction and thermocycling into a single platform capable of running both FDA-cleared and open system assays.
The BD MAX™ System is a fully-integrated, automated platform that performs nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR providing results for up to 24 samples across multiple syndromes in approximately 3 hours*
Molecular diagnostics: Discover the BD MAX™ System | BD
Molecular diagnostics: BD MAX™ System expands your laboratory's molecular testing potential and optimise workflow efficiency, speed and testing versatility.
Home - BD Molecular Diagnostics
The BD MAX™ System is a fully-integrated, automated platform that performs nucleic acid extraction, real-time PCR. Results across multiple syndromes.
BD MAX System
Room-temperature stable assays that cover Respiratory Infections, Enteric Solutions, Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs), Women’s Health, and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs). Create your own lab-developed tests or run third-party assays to address emerging diagnostic demands and meet local healthcare needs.
BD MAX™ System - Cardinal Health
The BD MAX™ System is a fully-integrated, automated platform that performs nucleic acid extraction and real-time PCR providing results for up to 24 patient samples across multiple syndromes in approximately three hours.
BD MAX™ system
Redefine staff productivity with a fully integrated, automated molecular platform. The BD MAX™ system offers you an efficient path to improved clinical outcomes by combining and automating extraction and thermocycling into a single platform capable of …
BD BD™ MAX™ Molecular Diagnostic Testing System - Fisher Sci
Fully-integrated, automated molecular platform capable of running both IVD and open system assays efficiently and flexibly. Supplier: BD 441916
Molecular diagnostics: Discover the BD MAX™ System | BD
The BD COR™ System, BD Onclarity™ HPV Assay, BD SurePath™ Liquid-based Pap test, BD Viper™ LT System, BD PrepMate™, BD Totalys™ Multiprocessor, BD Totalys™ SlidePrep, BD FocalPoint™ GS Imaging System are in vitro diagnostic medical devices bearing a CE mark.