Why does the B-2 have a smaller payload than other bombers of ...
Jun 26, 2017 · The revolutionary blending of low-observable technologies with high aerodynamic efficiency and large payload gives the B-2 important advantages over existing bombers. But in comparison with the other bombers, including much older B-52, it appears to be less aerodynamically efficient and carries less payload.
Why is there no reconnaissance version of the B-2 stealth bomber?
Mar 13, 2023 · The SR-71 can carry about 3500 lbs of payload. The SR-71 is the right size for a mach 3 recon aircraft because if it was any smaller it would have less payload, and recon equipment weighs about 3500 lbs. The B-2 can carry about 50,000 lbs of payload.
aerodynamics - How does a flying wing keep from going into a …
One of the earliest (and my personal favorite) is the N-9M, which was a scale model of the XB-35, a prototype bomber for the allies during WWII. They didn't have flight control computers back then, and the only control complaints I recall them having is that early versions had a tendency to flip over backwards when approaching stall speeds ...
Why do air forces still use bombers? - Aviation Stack Exchange
Sep 23, 2014 · A B2 can carry up to about 40,000lbs of payload and a variety of conventional bombs at the same time, that's much more than the heftiest ICBM Time to target: an ICBM's suborbital path takes at least 15 minutes from launch to target, and that's once you get authorization and build a targeting package for it, which all takes time.
How do the shockwaves (supersonic and hypersonic) interact with …
Apr 16, 2021 · Aircraft with Flying wing configuration, such as the B2 bomber, fly at high subsonic speeds. During such a case, the airflow is at a high subsonic speed at the leading edge, and accerelates through to supersonic speeds as it moves over the front - …
Why/How is the B-52 still in service? - Aviation Stack Exchange
Sep 22, 2014 · Had the Cold War continued, the B-2 would have comprised the bulk of today's bomber force. We were busy buying new fighters and cargo planes. The official, stated goal is to recapitalize the entire bomber fleet (less the B-2) because it's increasingly obsolete. That's worth repeating: the B-1 and B-52 are near obsolete. They're not nearly ...
Why do the B-2 Spirit's split elevons seem almost always deployed?
Aug 3, 2021 · First, the linked video is not high speed -- that was a slow pass, intended to wow the crowd at an air show. . Second, in that pass the aircraft was held in a bank, first toward the crowd, then away from them after the closest pass; the split elevons were deployed only on the down wing (it's a little hard to see the far wing well until …
How did the B2 Bomber achieve yaw - Aviation Stack Exchange
I came across this diagram of the B2. I was wondering how it achieved yaw. If I'm correct usually the rudder on the tail would do this, but the B2 does not have a tail. Does it have no need for yaw, or does something else act as the tail?
What are the take-off parameters for the B-25 Mitchell?
Sep 27, 2019 · What is the take-off distance and speed in standard atmosphere (59°F, 29.92 inHg, 0% humidity) for the B-25 Mitchell with max, minimum, or average payload?
WW2 Bombers continuing on one of 2 or 4 engines, how would …
Aug 11, 2024 · The mortality rate of the 8th air force (US bomber command) was around 7% compared to around 3% for Marines, 2% for Army and less than 1% for the Navy. Part of the reason was the strategic use of the planes themselves (rather than the bombs) as bait to reduce the number of enemy planes in preparation for D-Day. $\endgroup$