Aston Origin vs New Rode NT1 vs Blue Bluebird vs AKG C214
May 28, 2016 · I'd like new with warranty if possible. The Aston seems really cool, but I've read the specs on the New NT-1 is close to a U47. The bluebird has been around so lots of people reporting positively on it, but it seems to have hyped upper frequencies that I'm not sure I'd care for on all applications. Long story short we all need more than one mic.
Aston Martin Guitars | Page 2 - The Gear Page
Mar 28, 2010 · Um. yea. looks fake. Do you think a company like aston martin would have such a horrendous web site design? it looks like it was put together by a 15 year old in MS Frontpage.
Has anyone tried any Aston microphones (specifically Spirit or …
Dec 18, 2021 · The Aston Stealth is a Broadcast type microphone with a PreAmp and mode switches - It's a bit like a hyped SM7b with the mode switches taking it further. The microphone has a very RE20/SM7b type sound but gets brighter in the V1 and V2 settings and Darker is the D setting. I imagine you wouldn't like the Stealth if you didn't like the SM7b.
Guitar string height and action - The Gear Page
Mar 1, 2023 · So, i was setting up my guitars and measuring string height and stuff.. i have three electrics and one acoustic. Right now i am more into low action than high. I figured out that each guitar have different string height and action. So, i measured epiphone sg …
Lego Boxes - Talk me Into or Out of Keeping | The Gear Page
Jan 31, 2024 · Then I have some smaller ones too, along with a couple sets waiting to be built (like the 007 Aston Martin, another decent sized set). The problem is that the boxes take up a lot of space, especially for the larger sets. I have some in …
Guitar refinishing - RS Guitar Works. Anyone use them before?
Dec 11, 2023 · Hi all, I'm looking to refinish the top of my Les Paul Custom and came across RS Guitar Works. I really liked what I saw of their finish work on their site; but before I commit to it, I wanted to reach out to the community to see if anyone had experience with RSRW...
Your thoughts on Eastwood Guitars? - The Gear Page
Apr 10, 2024 · I've found eastwood designs very disappointing because they only imitate the looks of these guitars. The great thing about guitars like (the airline branded versions of) a National Resoglass or a Kay Barney Kessel Pro is that they each have a unique sound. Resoglass guitars were hollow fiberglass with very unique sounding single coil pickups.
Does Raising Guitar String Action make Bending Easier? More fluid?
Jan 12, 2016 · Some guitars, for whatever reason, play easier then the exact same guitar next to it. Some players state it is the cut of the neck. I believe that with each guitar, and gauge of string set used, there is a happy point at which everything comes together, but again, individual strength of one's fingers, personal technique, and how they hold the ...
Combining piezo and mic to record acoustic guitar
Apr 23, 2020 · If all of this sounds like a pain, it is. So maybe a last idea would be to try a mic you can use in your space without the sensitivity and wide pattern of the SM-81. An SM7b or Aston Stealth will have a tighter pickup pattern and more off-axis rejection.
what is my best course of action? - The Gear Page
Jul 6, 2022 · Lots of undamaged guitars out there. Right here in the US, too. 415Guitars Senior Member. Messages 665 ...