art center nabi
art center nabi. Mon - Fri, 11:00 - 18:00 22-3, Hyoja-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea tel +82 2 2121 1031; e-mail info@nabi.or.kr > archive ; Get Exhibition and Program Highlights. SUBSCRIBE . art center nabi 22-3, Hyoja-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea; Business ...
art center nabi
art center nabi. 월 - 금, 11:00 - 18:00 서울시 종로구 효자로7길 22-3. tel 02 2121 1031; e-mail info@nabi.or.kr > archive ; 뉴스레터 신청 ...
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
Through Nabi Artist Residency 2023, Art Center Nabi seeks to inhabit realms beyond the limits of technology and of types of knowledge circumscribed in technology through mobilizing socio-cultural exchange.
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
art center nabi. 오시는 길. 주소 서울시 종로구 효자로7길 22-3 (우편번호 03044) TEL 02 2121 1031; FAX-E-mail info@nabi.or.kr;
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
Art Center Nabi, specializing in media art for 25 years, is pleased to announce an exhibition “Cabinet of Ephemerality” with the aim of encouraging media art collection. Despite its establishment as an art genre, the collection and sale of media art remains a challenging issue.
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
Nabi-UNESCO Digital Arts Award 2005; Project I 1.0; 2004. Unzipping Codes; Love Virus Project; Art & Science Station; Dreaming Butterfly 2004: Digital Playground; 2003. ... art center nabi 22-3, Hyoja-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea; Business Registration Number 207-82-07390; Director Soh Yeong Roh;
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
art center nabi. Direction & Location. Address 22-3, Hyoja-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea (Postal code 03044) TEL 02 2121 1031; FAX-E-mail info@nabi.or.kr; Get Exhibition and Program Highlights. SUBSCRIBE . art center nabi 22-3, Hyoja-ro 7-gil, Jongno-gu, Seoul, Korea; Business Registration Number 207-82-07390;
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
Art Center Nabi’s mission centers around three main areas; being a ‘critique’ of contemporary technology; nurturing ‘creativity’, thus opening new possibilities of creative expressions; building 'community' where new ideas are shared and developed into new social movements.
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
아트센터 나비와 서울대학교 문화예술원은 오는 5월 제30회 국제전자예술심포지엄(International Symposium on Electronic/Emerging Art 2025, ISEA2025)을 개최합니다.
아트센터 나비미술관 - nabi.or.kr
아트센터나비. 아트센터 나비 미술관 서울시 종로구 효자로 7길 22-3; 사업자 등록번호 207-82-07390; 대표자 노소영; 대표번호 02 2121 1031; 개인정보취급방침