Military Intelligence Corps (United States Army) - Wikipedia
The Military Intelligence Corps is the intelligence branch of the United States Army. The primary mission of military intelligence in the U.S. Army is to provide timely, relevant, accurate, and …
U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE)
The U.S. Army Intelligence Center of Excellence, develops doctrinally founded MI professionals and drives IWfF force modernization across DOTMLPF-P, enabling our Army to compete and …
Military Intelligence Corps Association
The Military Intelligence Corps Association (MICA) is the premier professional association of the U.S. Army’s Military Intelligence Corps, with the mission of preserving history, educating …
IKN - Intelligence Knowledge Network
IKN is the US Army Intelligence Center of Excellence (USAICoE) knowledge management portal providing tools and resources for USAICoE. IKN supports the MI Community with reach-back …
IKN - MIHOF Home - United States Army
You will also find information about the MI Corps four annual awards for Excellence in Military Intelligence: the Lt. Gen. Sidney T. Weinstein Award given to a deserving MI captain; the Cmd. …
U.S. Army Intelligence and Security Command | INSCOM
May 20, 2024 · INSCOM executes mission command of operational intelligence and security forces; conducts and synchronizes worldwide multidiscipline and all-source intelligence and …
MI Officer Accessions - United States Army
The MI Branch is continuing to grow to meet emerging challenges of the 21st Century and remains the most sought after, dynamic and varied branch within the U.S. Army. We …
Intelligence officers integrate information and intelligence from relevant sources to analyze situations or conditions that impact operations. Intelligence analysis requires the ability to...
525th Expeditionary Military Intelligence Brigade :: Fort Bragg
6 days ago · The 525th Military Intelligence Brigade conducts multi-discipline intelligence operations in support of echelons corps and below, providing downward reinforcing …
Military Intelligence Corps activates - The United States Army
Jul 3, 2012 · On July 1, 1987, which coincided with the 25th Anniversary of the MI Branch, the MI Corps was officially activated. Symbolically, the event bound together the whole of MI: tactical …