Andover eCademy Virtual School
Andover eCademy is a virtual school offering a blend of accredited online education with in-person instruction and activities. eCademy is open to any student in the state of Kansas, and was recently named the best virtual school in Kansas by Niche.com.
High School - Andover eCademy
The Andover eCademy high school program provides a rigorous, intensive and comprehensive curriculum to prepare our students for their postsecondary aspirations. We offer honors classes and with the flexibility of eCademy, students have the opportunity to take college classes.
Frequently Asked Questions - Andover eCademy
Andover eCademy is a tuition-free public school program available to any resident of the state of Kansas. In order to access the online curriculum, we do require a $40, non-refundable technology fee to be paid upon enrollment.
About eCademy - Andover eCademy
Andover eCademy is a virtual school and so much more! We offer a blended education through a fully accredited curriculum supported by on-site Kansas certified teachers. How we are different
Middle School - Andover eCademy
Middle school students at Andover eCademy have the opportunity to engage in a rich and interactive curriculum supported by virtual and in-person learning.
Counselors - Andover eCademy
Students wanting to attend eCademy will need to complete an application during open enrollment. During the open enrollment period, you will find the application on the home page. Students wanting to apply outside of open enrollment will need to contact eCademy for more information.
Enrollment - Andover eCademy
Attending an information session is one of the requirements for enrollment. This will provide you with information about our program, answer some of the most commonly asked questions, and help you learn if eCademy is truly a good fit for you and your student.
Elementary School - Andover eCademy
The Andover eCademy elementary program is designed to engage students in learning and promote success from an early age. We utilize both Accelerate Education courses and Andover eCademy-written curricula that align with state standards and serve as an effective, engaging and flexible curriculum.
Calendar - Andover eCademy
NOTICE OF NON-DISCRIMINATION: Andover USD 385 does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age in its employment practices or in its programs and activities, and provides equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups.
Login - Andover eCademy
Persons having inquiries concerning USD 385’s non-discrimination policies and compliance therewith may contact the school district’s Compliance Coordinator at 1432 N. Andover Rd., Andover, KS, 67002, or call 316-218-4661.