Andorra - Wikitravel
Dec 3, 2024 · Andorra relies on the Spanish and French postal systems; the main office for each is located in Andorra la Vella. The French post office (CORREUS FRANCESOS) located at Carrer de Bonaventura Armengol AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra [14] is usually open from 8:30 AM - 2:30 PM Monday - Friday and Saturdays from 9:00 AM - 11:59 AM Tel: +376 820 408
Andorra La Vella - Wikitravel
Apr 7, 2020 · Andorra la Vella is the capital of Andorra. Get in Get around . You should be able to walk around most of Andorra la Vella. The town is really in two parts. There is the newer section at the North end of the town that is very commercial with lots of shops. The other half is the older half, down across the river and to the South and West.
Andorra – Wikitravel
L1: Sant Julià de Lòria - Andorra La Vella - Escaldes-Engordany L2: Andorra La Vella - Encamp L3: Andorra La Vella - Soldeu L4: Andorra La Vella - Pas de la Casa L5: Andorra La Vella - Arinsal L6: Andorra La Vella - Ordino Neben diese gibt es sogenannte ExpressBusse, welche die Ortszentren um schnellere Fahrtzeiten erreichen zu können.
Andorra – Wikitravel
Andorra la Vella (1029 méteren) az ország fővárosa. Legjelesebb épületei: a Parlament és a törvényszék épülete, a Völgyek Háza (Casa de la Vall). A 14. században családi erődítmény volt, majd 1580 óta működik benne a Nagytanács (Consell General). A tanácsteremhez tartozó kápolna a csodatévő urgelli püspök ...
Andorra - Wikitravel
Andorra heeft eigenlijk maar één echte stad, de hoofdstad Andorra-la-Vella. Ondanks de maar 23.000 inwoners is het er altijd erg druk. Dit komt doordat heel veel toeristen en dagjesmensen komen winkelen in de vele belastingvrije winkels van de stad. grote of belangrijke plaatsen in Andorra zijn: Andorra la Vella-- hoofdstad van Andorra
Andorre — Wikitravel
Capitale: Andorre la Vieille: Régime: Démocratie parlementaire (depuis mars 1993) qui a à sa tête deux coprinces représentatifs du président de la République française et de l’évêque de la Seu d'Urgel en Espagne.
Catalonia - Wikitravel
Dec 2, 2024 · Catalan (Català) is spoken in Catalonia, Balearic Islands, most of Valencia region, a strip in Aragon, Andorra, Alguer-Alghero (little city of Sardinia - Italy) and, Roussillon (an area in the south of France sometimes called Catalunya Nord that corresponds roughly with the department of Pyrénées-Orientales). It is a Romance language and ...
Llista de codis telefònics per països - Wikitravel
Quan truquem a un telèfon d'un altre país, normalment cal que marquem un prefixe per indicar que fem una trucada internacional (això varia en funció dels països i les operadores, a Espanya, per exemple, amb totes les operadores marquem "00").
European microstates - Wikitravel
Jan 20, 2024 · Andorra — small mountainous country located between France and Spain; Liechtenstein — German-speaking country located between Switzerland and Austria; Malta — island in the Mediterranean Sea, between Italy and Tunisia; Monaco — surrounded by or considered a part of the French Riviera; San Marino — completely surrounded by Italy
Spain - Wikitravel
Feb 27, 2025 · These 24 countries are: Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia and Spain (official euro members which are all European Union member states) as well as Andorra, Kosovo, Monaco, Montenegro, San Marino and the Vatican ...