Ambient | Zero-to-One Decentralized Trading Protocol
Zero-to-One Decentralized Trading Protocol Faster, Easier, and Cheaper Ambient runs the entire DEX inside a single smart contract, allowing for low-fee transactions, greater liquidity rewards, and a fairer trading experience.
Ambient | Zero-to-One Decentralized Trading Protocol
Swap cryptocurrencies like a pro with Ambient. Decentralized trading is now better than ever.
Ambient Finance confirms funds are safe, warns users to avoid ...
Following a recent cyber attack, Ambient Finance, a Scroll-based decentralized exchange (DEX), has reassured users that their funds and contracts remain secure. However, the platform has...
Ambient Finance - Protocol Overview - Airdrop from Scroll ...
Oct 9, 2024 · In this video, we dive into Ambient Finance, a groundbreaking liquidity protocol in DeFi. Building on the concept of concentrated liquidity, Ambient Finance introduces “knockout liquidity” – an...
Ambient Finance website hacked, team warns users to wait for fix
Oct 17, 2024 · In 2024, malware spread through the Python Package Index, text messages, fraudulent macOS programs and even automated email threads. The front end for Ambient Finance, a decentralized trading...
Introduction to Ambient | Ambient Docs
Ambient (formerly CrocSwap) is a decentralized exchange (DEX) protocol that allows for two-sided AMMs combining concentrated and ambient constant-product liquidity on any arbitrary pair of blockchain assets.
Ambient Finance: Enhancing AMM efficiency - by defi_chuck
Aug 14, 2023 · Ambient, previously known as CrocSwap, is a decentralized transaction protocol that enables a unique kind of automated market maker. Ambient is a singleton AMM, meaning it operates within a single smart contract, making swaps more efficient.