In this report and in the Department of Energy (DOE) laboratory community, we use the term “AI for Science” to broadly represent the next generation of methods and scientific opportunities in computing, including the development and application of AI methods (e.g., machine learning, deep learning, statistical methods, data analytics ...
Mar 9, 2023 · AI for science is a rendezvous point. It brings together expertise from AI and application domains; combines modelling knowledge with engineering know-how; and relies on collaboration across disciplines and between humans and machines.
AI-enabled applications have on emissions. Using AI in science opens up th ee major opportunities to reduce emissions. First, progress at the nexus between AI, maths and computer science could dramatically improve the efficiency of the …
- [PDF]
AI for Science
Develop AI-enabled self-driving laboratories to enable game-changing advances in the understanding and deployment of biological, chemical, and environmental systems.
AI for science calls for model-ling approaches that can: facilitate sophisticated simulations of natural, physical, or social systems, enabling researchers to use data to interrogate the forces that shape such systems; untangle compli-cated cause-effect relationships by combining the ability to learn from data with structured knowledge of the ...
The report is focused on the use of AI for science, and it describes AI adoption trends in the physical, natural and social science fields. Using a bibliometric analysis of peer‐reviewed publishing trends over 63 years (1960–2022), the report demonstrates a surge in AI adoption across all fields over the past several years.
(PDF) Artificial Intelligence for Science - Adoption Trends and …
Nov 1, 2022 · We identify six future development pathways for research organisations seeking to upgrade AI capability for the future so they can harness the benefits and mitigate the risks of AI technologies.
[2303.04217] AI for Science: An Emerging Agenda - arXiv.org
Mar 7, 2023 · AI for science is a rendezvous point. It brings together expertise from AI and application domains; combines modelling knowledge with engineering know-how; and relies …
(PDF) AI for Science - ResearchGate
Apr 10, 2023 · The adoption of data-intensive machine-learning methods can be found throughout science, technology and commerce, leading to more evidence-based decision-making across many walks of life ...
AI for Science - IOPscience
International Editorial Board: Papers submitted to our journal will be reviewed by a distinguished board of group of leading scientists and engineers, committed to delivering high-quality feedback and support. Fast Service: We are committed to providing authors with a fast, professional experience for authors. Expect a rapid first decision, acceptance, and publication. Once …