DCYA Events - daytoncatholicya.com
Women at any stage in life (single, married, etc.) are welcome to join. If you are interested in joining a Well-Read Mom group in Dayton or would like more information, please contact Renee Clune at 419-852-7355 or [email protected]. 2022-2023 is themed "The Year of the Giver."
Home [www.daytoncatholicya.com]
Dayton Catholic Young Adults bring catholic young adults living in Dayton, Ohio into a living relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church.
New to Dayton? - DCYA
UpDayton inspires & empowers young professionals to create the Dayton, Ohio they want – a thriving place to live, work, play and learn.
Epiphany Ball - daytoncatholicya.com
Dayton Catholic Young Adults bring catholic young adults living in Dayton, Ohio into a living relationship with Jesus Christ through the Catholic Church.
Thursday Nights - DCYA
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Sports & Rec - DCYA
Journey To The Hill Country is a DCYA offshoot that plans monthly hikes in the Dayton area, with occasional more substantial trips. Hikes are typically on Sundays at 1 P.M., rain or shine (except for serious weather). All are welcome regardless of experience. Check out the details here!
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Candlelight Mass - daytoncatholicya.com
Candlelight Mass is the third Thursday at Our Lady of the Rosary in Old North Dayton at 6:30 p.m. (Confessions to follow Mass)
College Students - daytoncatholicya.com
The University of Dayton has a long history in this city - check out their campus ministry offerings here.
Find a Community - DCYA
If you are interested in finding a community to support your faith journey there are a couple different kinds of communities here in Dayton. Click the options below to find out more!