Acts of Paul - Wikipedia
The Acts of Paul — which was declared to be antilegomena by Eusebius in his Church History — consists of narratives depicting Paul's preaching and other activities, such as the Acts of Paul and Thecla, Paul's Correspondence With the Corinthians, and the Martyrdom of the Holy Apostle Paul.
The Acts of Paul - Early Christian Writings
Our authorities for it are: 1. The sadly mutilated Coptic MS. at Heidelberg, of the sixth century at latest. 2. The Acts of Paul and Thecla, a single episode which has been preserved complete in Greek and many versions: parts of it exist in the Coptic. 3.
Acts of Paul - Early Christian Writings
A 2d-century Christian writing recounting the missionary career and death of the apostle Paul and classed among the NT Apocrypha. In this work Paul is pictured as traveling from city to city, converting gentiles and proclaiming the need for a life of …
Acts of Paul - Encyclopedia of The Bible - Bible Gateway
PAUL, ACTS OF. According to Tertullian (On Baptism, 17), the Acts of Paul was written by a presbyter in Asia, who on conviction was removed from office, although he said he had done it “out of love for Paul.” The work, known also to Hippolytus …
Acts of Paul - NASSCAL
These sections are The Acts of Paul and Thecla (episodes 3–4, set in Iconium then Antioch), 3 Corinthians (which is part of Episode 10, set in Philippi), and the martyrdom of Paul (episode 14, set in Rome).
Acts of Paul | Early Christianity, Gnosticism, Pseudepigrapha ...
Acts of Paul, one of the earliest of a series of pseudepigraphal (noncanonical) New Testament writings known collectively as the Apocryphal Acts. Probably written about ad 160–180, the Acts of Paul is an account of the Apostle Paul’s travels and teachings.
Acts of Paul and Thecla - Wikipedia
The Acts of Paul and Thecla (Latin: Acta Pauli et Theclae) is an apocryphal text describing Paul the Apostle's influence on a young virgin named Thecla. It is one of the writings of the New Testament apocrypha. Edgar J. Goodspeed called it a "religious romance". [1]