What is an elastic network interface (ENI) and when would you use …
ENI A connected to a public-facing subnet. ENI B connected to an internal private subnet. You could, for example, attach an ENI to a running EC2 instance, or you could have it live after the …
amazon web services - AWS: Elastic IP vs ENI - Stack Overflow
Aug 7, 2018 · It is possible to direct traffic to a secondary ENI and then move that secondary ENI to another instance. This is similar to reassigning an Elastic IP address. This method is not …
How to get all AWS resources connected to given AWS ENI
Apr 12, 2023 · IN AWS CLI, I can find an attachment to someting aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --network-interface-ids eni-.... --region ap-northeast-2; But I can't locate the EXACT …
linux - Change Primary Elastic Network Interface(ENI) between two …
Jul 16, 2018 · Each having a primary ENI - ENI_A and ENI_B which are the preferred ENIs used by the respective operating system of A and B to route traffic. Now one needs to create …
aws Lambda created ENI not deleting while deletion of stack
(In my observations using AWS CloudTrail, the delay between Lambda execution and ENI deletion was around one hour.) Until AWS addresses this issue further, you can workaround …
AWS Flow log shows ACCEPTED on one ENI, REJECTED on other ENI
Jul 20, 2021 · Traffic is routed from ELB to app server. I look into flow log of ELB ENI and see that communication works: 2 123456789 eni-aaa 58134 8080 6 3 …
Can't detach network interfaces - Stack Overflow
I had an ENI deployed by a Lambda function after deleting the lambda function, the ENI got stuck. After some time I was able to detach the ENI. Update: for the people using the aws cli, AWS …
How to know which ENI is attached to a pod in an AWS EKS Cluster?
Nov 2, 2022 · The CNI plugin uses Elastic Network Interface (ENI) for Pod networking. The CNI allocates ENIs to each worker node and uses the secondary IP range from each ENI for pods. …
vpc - Is the ENI detached from an Amazon EC2 instance when it is ...
Jul 1, 2016 · An ENI (Elastic Network Interface) is never detached when an instance is Stopped. Every Amazon EC2 instance has a primary ENI on eth0. This ENI cannot be detached from …
amazon web services - Deleting Orphaned AWS ENI - Stack Overflow
aws ec2 describe-security-group-references --group-id sg-yyy produces an empty result: { "SecurityGroupReferenceSet": [] } No EC2 instance is using the ENI. Why can't I delete either …