PUPIL Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of PUPIL is a child or young person in school or in the charge of a tutor or instructor : student.
PUPIL | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary
PUPIL definition: 1. a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught: 2. someone who is being taught a…. Learn more.
PUPIL | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary
PUPIL meaning: 1. a person, especially a child at school, who is being taught: 2. someone who is being taught a…. Learn more.
Pupil - Wikipedia
The pupil is the central opening of the iris on the inside of the eye, which normally appears black. The grey/blue or brown area surrounding the pupil is the iris. The white outer area of the eye is the sclera. The central outermost transparent colorless part of the eye (through which we can see the iris and pupil) is the cornea.
Pupil of the Eye: Definition, Anatomy & Function - Cleveland Clinic
The pupil is the black hole in the center of the colored part of your eye (iris). The pupil is the pathway that lets light get to your retina.
PUPIL definition and meaning | Collins English Dictionary
PUPIL definition: a student who is taught by a teacher , esp a young student | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
pupil noun - Definition, pictures, pronunciation and usage notes ...
pupil (British English) a person who is being taught, especially a child in a school: The school has over 850 pupils. Pupil is used only in British English and is starting to become old-fashioned.
Pupil - definition of pupil by The Free Dictionary
Define pupil. pupil synonyms, pupil pronunciation, pupil translation, English dictionary definition of pupil. n. 1. A student under the direct supervision of a teacher or professor. 2. Law A minor under the supervision of a guardian. pu′pil·lar·y adj. n.
Pupil - Definition, Meaning & Synonyms - Vocabulary.com
A pupil is an old-fashioned word for a young person attending school, or it can be that black dot in the center of your eye's iris. As a pupil, your pupils may dilate when your teacher dims the lights. If you are a pupil, you are a learner enrolled in an educational institution.
PUPIL Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com
A pupil is a person who is learning under a teacher or instructor. In this sense, pupil is often used when the student is young but does not strictly apply to young people. In legal terms, pupil can …