Drinking a fifth of vodka every night - SoberRecovery
Jun 13, 2014 · Wow! A 5th/night?! I drank a 5th/day but stretched it over the entire 24 hour period - slow IV drip alcoholic as a friend of mine put it - and I started going through terrible withdrawals. It took a while, though. I drank for 26 years but didn't really notice withdrawals until 8 years ago.
5th of vodka every night for 6 months - SoberRecovery
Mar 17, 2015 · Newcomers to Recovery - 5th of vodka every night for 6 months - Pretty much every night I have been getting blacked out drunk. I drink an entire fifth of vodka some times...other times just shy of a fifth before i pass out. I start when I am done with work around 5 or 6pm and dont stop untill i pass out. I have tried
right number of days to finish a bottle of vodka
Mar 25, 2015 · Newcomers to Recovery - right number of days to finish a bottle of vodka - I have been hearing that two drinks a day is the upper limit for drinking without a high risk. Let's take that as a rule of thumb. I mostly drink vodka (80 proof). I buy 750ml bottles and drink every night. I like drinking but am a bit worried
1 Liter of vodka a day for months on end... - SoberRecovery
Jan 24, 2011 · Alcoholism - 1 Liter of vodka a day for months on end... - Hell everyone, I am new to this site Sober Recovery. I fear for my health. I have been sober since yesterday and have cut back the best I can since January 5th. I went to a meeting between now and then. I have some issues that scared me during my drinking and I
Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help and Information - SoberRecovery
Jun 5, 2014 · On my longest bender, I was putting away a liter or more of cheap vodka a day for thirty days straight. Mixing it and chasing it with nothing but tap water, and eating nothing but pork chops, ramen noodles, and microwaved potatoes. I've had times when the quantity was higher, but not for a month straight. "Always Believe." -The Ultimate Warrior
How much did you drink on average - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism …
Aug 10, 2010 · 2005-6: 1/2 a fifth of vodka (375 ml) a night, five nights a week 2006-2009: 1/2 liter of vodka (500 ml) a night, seven nights a week 2010 up until May: 3/4 a liter of vodka a night, seven nights a week The blackouts and strange behavior began in 2007. The last year or two was when I truly started feeling like hell, every day, all day.
in na there is a dillema - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug …
Jun 4, 2005 · Narcotics Addiction-12 Step Support - in na there is a dillema - YOUR AT A NA MEETING WITH THE CLARITY/IDENTITY STATEMENT IN THE FORMAT,,, In Narcotics Anonymous, we are presented with a dilemma.
Quick question. - SoberRecovery : Alcoholism Drug Addiction Help …
Sep 9, 2012 · I found an empty 5th of vodka in the closet, this was before I got any help myself, so I called my wife out on it. She got upset and said it was old of course. I had no idea. She always hid the hard liquor from me, and only drank beer and wine in front of me. She told me that she had a bottle on top of the fridge too.
To ween off slowly or stop cold turkey? - SoberRecovery
Apr 25, 2011 · Newcomers to Recovery - To ween off slowly or stop cold turkey? - Hi all. I am on Day 1 of my recovery and after spending all morning perusing the forums.
Can't Drink As Much Anymore.... - soberrecovery.com
Nov 15, 2011 · I notice this now with my wife when I first met her she used to put away a 5th of Tequila in one night. She now can only drink about 1/4 that of RUM which is her choice drink now and she is about passed out. She has been drinking for about 20 years I don't think she has gone more then 1 week with out drinking a 5th of something.