Billing for sleep studies; CPT code 95810
Aug 23, 2010 · Physicians providing services in their offices or in some freestanding sleep centers bill for the global service - both the professional work (interpretation) and the technical component - using the appropriate CPT code, such as 95810, without a modifier.
UB04 Forms Vs. The CMS 1500 Forms – When to Use Each
It is necessary to use an adjustment form when you wish to correct information on the claim such as dx. code, cpt code, date of service, referral number and for lots of other reasons. Many times if an incorrect claim is corrected and resubmitted to an insurance company without an adjustment form, the claim will be denied as a duplicate.
58563 billed with 58120 - medicalbillinglive.com
Mar 5, 2025 · CPT/HCPCS to CCI Code Check NOTE: Effective 1/1/09, the facility version of NCCI edits will include edits for the following categories of service: Anesthesia (00100-01999), E&M (92002-92014, 99201-99499), and MH (90804-90911). Prior to 2009, these code pairs were excluded from the facility edits. Code / Description
Incorrect usage of CPT Codes? - medicalbillinglive.com
Jun 19, 2013 · Incorrect usage of CPT Codes? « on: May 07, 2008, 03:44:08 PM » Here's a difficult one; I work for a financing co and we paid a doctor for numerous charges billed using the CPT code 99080 -"Special Reports such as insurance forms more than the information coveyed in the usual medical communications or standard reporting form."
Biofreeze - medicalbillinglive.com
Feb 21, 2025 · I am currently using 99070 for Biofreeze for a chiro practice. I am thinking there is a more specific HCPCS code. I have looked through all categories. Can anyone suggest a better code for this pain relief product? I have ruled out the following: A9270, E1399, E0189, A6248 and A9150; these have all come up in searches but are not quite right ...
Fissurectomy codes - medicalbillinglive.com
Oct 8, 2012 · 1-I need to provide CPT codes for an anal fissurectomy with an anal advancement flap. Can I use 46200 even though a sphincterotomy was not performed? Is a 2nd procedure code required for the flap graft? 2- I’m searching for a CPT procedure code for an anal fissurotomy (without sphincterotomy)- sphincter sparing treatment of an anal fissure.
Coding for Surgical Spinal Decompression-cpt code 62287
Mar 6, 2023 · I just received a bill for CPT code 62287 which was billed as follows: Line 1: 62287 - $8640.00, POS-24(ASC) Line 2: 62287-51 modifier -$8640.00 POS-24(ASC). The description for this code states Aspiration or decompression procedure, percutaneous of nucleus pulposus of invertebral disc, any method, single or multiple levels, lumbar. The op ...
rocephin injection - medicalbillinglive.com
Sep 23, 2008 · I am trying to figure out how to bill rocephin injection of 500mg. it is a mixture of rocephin and lidocain, I think the cpt code is J0696 but can not find the allowable for tx medicare anywhere. I found old paperwork from 2001 that shows a rembursement of about $63.00 but most recently it looks like $1.48 if that is correct what happend?
CPT MODIFIER CODES FOR UHC - medicalbillinglive.com
Nov 20, 2014 · re: cpt modifier codes for uhc « Reply #1 on: October 17, 2014, 01:00:26 AM » Do you think it has something to do with putting a 52 modifier on these particular codes, since they are all timed codes?
Tetenus Vaccine code 90703 - medicalbillinglive.com
Oct 4, 2017 · The code was deleted because its an obsolete vaccine that doesn't exist anymore so there is no replacement code. Take a look at: 90698 Diphtheria, tetanus toxoids, and acellular pertussis vaccine, haemophilus influenza Type B, and poliovirus vaccine, inactivated (DTaP - Hib - IPV), for intramuscular use