6146B Beam Power Tube and Data Sheets - Frostburg State University
The 6146 beam power tube and its various descendents (6146A, 6146B) was and still is one of the most popular transmitting tubes in amateur radio service. The tube was originally introduced by RCA in an ad in the January, 1952 issue of QST magazine:
6146B, Tube 6146B; Röhre 6146B ID4058, Beam Power Tube
Tube 6146B or Röhre 6146B ID4058, Beam Power Tube, Octal (Int.Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Universal shown. Radio tubes are valves.
Title: 6146B 8298A Author: RCA Subject: JA-FP-2000-09-15 Created Date: 9/16/2000 1:58:17 AM
6146 Tubes - Tubes - Transmitting, Audio, Misc. - RF Parts
SK8 Tube socket, Ceramic, 8 pin for 6146B, etc, Chassis Mount. Comes with bracket, MFR: Taylor (China) |
The AA8V 6146B Amplifier - Main Page and Exterior Photos
I found the plans for a beautiful amplifier on page 186 of the 1965 ARRL handbook titled "A 90 Watt All-Purpose Amplifier". This design used a single 6146 tube and could be run as a linear amplifier on SSB or as a class C amplifier on CW.
6146B,6146B pdf,6146B中文资料,6146B引脚图,6146B电 …
物料型号: - 型号为6146b/8298a。 2. 器件简介 : - 该器件为束射功率管,用于射频功率放大器和振荡器服务,同时也可作为音频功率放大器和调制器在移动和固定设备中使用。
The AA8V 6146B Amplifier - Amplifier Schematic Diagrams and …
The amplifier bias circuit applies adjustable regulated bias to the 6146B control grid. The use of regulated bias results in improved linearity, important when the amplifier is used for SSB service. To avoid the expense of a separate power transformer, a filament transformer is run in reverse to step some of the filament voltage from the main ...
6146B @ The Valve Museum - r-type.org
The 6146B is a variant of the popular 6146 HF power beam tetrode. This exhibit from Sylvania also carries the Type designation of 8298A. The 6146B was designed for mobile transmitters and the heater was designed for a wide range of input voltage and not just the 10% around the nominal 6.3 Volts.
6146B Vacuum Power Tubes - www.thetubestore.com
Buy 6146B vacuum power tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! Find reviews, data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier.
QE05-40 / 6146B Siemens (GE made) NOS - Tube Amp Doctor
original Siemens marked QE05-40 and boxed, made as 6146B by General Electric GE beam pentode