Numbers 1-10(١- أقرام ١٠) - Softschools.com
The most wide spread numbering system in the world, the (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9) that was adapted by Europe and the Western world in the 12th century AD, is actually an Arabic numbering system. It comes from the Hindu-Arabic numeral system, which has three families of numerals.
The Hour(الساعة) - Softschools.com
Arabic Transcription Meaning Literally Usage; كم السّاعة؟ kam assaa3a? What time is it? How much is the hour? To ask the time...السّاعة: assaa3a... The time is... The hour (is)... To give the time
Numbers 11-20( ارقام ٢٠-١١) - Softschools.com
Notice the taa marbuuta's (demarcated in purple) in the Arabic names of the letters and the corresponding t's (demarcated in purple) in the transcriptions. Numbers ١٩-١٣ are in a grammatical structure that makes the taa marbuuta change …
Hundreds and Thousands(مائِة و أَلاف) - Softschools.com
Arabic Word Transcription Meaning; مِئة/ مائِة: mi'a/maa'ia: hundred (there are two accepted spellings) مئِات : mi'aat: hundreds
The Months and the Date (الشهور و التاريخ) - Softschools.com
In Arabic the date is written day/month/year. So September 19th, 2014 would be written as 9/19/2014 or ٢٠١٤\١٩\٩ . Saying the full date in Arabic is very simple once you know all of the components.
Roots and Patterns(جذور و أوزان) - Softschools.com
Arabic is a semitic language that works on a "root" system. This means that all Arabic words are derived from a "root" set of consonants that contain the base meaning of the word. These root consonants are put into "patterns" which morph the meaning of the …
Nouns and Gender(الأسماء و الجنس) - Softschools.com
In Arabic, all nouns have grammatical gender. For living things, the gender matches that of the living creatures.
Days of the Week(أيام للأسبوع) - Softschools.com
Islam is and historically has been the dominate religion for the Arabic speaking world and, in Islam, the day of rest, is Friday. On Fridays, Muslims gather at the mosques for prayer, and then gather together with family and friends afterwards.
Sun and Moon Letters (حورف شمسية و قمرية) - Softschools.com
They are not restricted to just this usage, in the case of the assimilated - ا ل , but are found throughout the Arabic language. The Moon Letters جورف قرمية (Haruuf qamriiya) are all of the remaining letters.
Thabit Ibn Qurra Facts - Softschools.com
Thabit was fluent in Greek and Arabic and his native, Syriac. He translated many important works from Greek into Arabic, including those of Archimedes, Euclid and Ptolemy. Though Archimedes original work describing the construction of a regular heptagon is lost, Thabit's translation was discovered in the 20th century.