Reloading 45-70 - Long Range Hunting Forum
Oct 12, 2019 · Another good cast bullet powder is Accurate 5744. I will pass on what I have learned from the school of hard knocks using the 45-70. For on game usage I would use a jacketed SP or HP bullet. The 300 gr Sierra or Hornady HP using Sierra's suggested hunting load with IMR 4198 is a deer size game killer and is about as flat shooting as a 45-70 can ...
45-70? | Sniper's Hide Forum
I love the venerable 45-70. Any other shooters? I just ordered an H&R Buffalo Classic for a build. Pretty excited.
favorite powder for 45-70 modern loads? - Long Range Hunting …
Jul 27, 2021 · Have used N133 for 45-70 but never tried N130, yet. At around 50 grains per shot that's about 140 cartridges, loaded per pound of powder. At $65 bucks a pound, that works out to about a dime more per shot, than the $40 bucks a pound stuff. The accuracy of Reloader 7, seems worth that bit more money but, quite a few powders do well in a 45-70 case.
45-70 accuracy - Long Range Hunting Forum
Sep 22, 2018 · The CVA scout in 45-70 is a hunting rifle not a shoot little bitty groups target rifle. If you are shooting 1 1/2" and under groups at 100 yards with factory ammo then I would hang on to it. Where you need to be concerned is learning how much drop you will experience.
Lever action Marlin questions - 44 mag and 45-70 - Sniper's Hide
Apr 15, 2020 · Lever actions can be fun, and the 44mag and 45-70 are both great rounds. If you reload, you can make light or hot loads. Most factory 44 mag loads are hot vs most 45-70 loads are light in fear and safety of them being shot in older weapons such as the Trapdoor Springfield that can't hold the new pressures.
Suppressors Marlin 45-70 suppressor - Sniper's Hide
Jun 10, 2019 · Hearing that the Obsidian can be used on my 45-70 makes my day. Some 500 grain subsonic loads sound fun. I’m like 6 months in sounds like I should expect another 5-6
Long range shooting the 45-70. - Long Range Hunting Forum
May 13, 2016 · COBrad the 45-70 is accurate mine shot that group of .381 better than some of my more ezpensive rifles with better scopes. I used Hornady 325 flex tip bullets and imr 4198 powder with rem9and half primers. My down side is my Marlin only has the …
Lyman manual cast and smokeless data for 45-70/45-90
Apr 28, 2019 · When looking at the 45-70 data the data for that 400gr bullet is very very similar to the Lyman 405gr bullet. So, I figured it should also be very similar in in the 45-90. I measured out their starting charge today to see what case fill would look like and it's a pretty poor case fill with a large amount of space between powder and bullet.
45/70 Reduced Loads | Sniper's Hide Forum
Aug 29, 2014 · I've used 31.5 4198 with 340 cast Hp's and either a small piece of tissue over powder and a tuft of Dacron filler or measured amount of shotshell buffer to compress powder enough to hold it in place. Have shot some 2" groups at 100yds with Merit aperture sights and that load in a Marlin 45-70 with minor felt recoil in a 7.5lb rifle length barrel.
.45-70 Question - Long Range Hunting Forum
Sep 5, 2012 · The 405 gr. Bullets were developed for the short barreled Trapdoor Springfields which had slow 1:22 twist barrels. The Buffalo Rifkes such as the Harps and Rolling Blocks had slower twists in the 1:18-1:20 range to handle the heavier …