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4-H | Positive Youth Development, Mentorship, & Education
4-H provides kids with community, mentors, and learning opportunities to develop the skills they need to create positive change in their lives and communities.
Sign Up - National 4-H Council
Register for 4-H Professionals. Access resources for Curriculum, Professional and Volunteer Development and Marketing Resources.
Find Your Local 4-H - National 4-H Council
Find 4‑H Near You: Select your state and county below. See What 4‑H Has to Offer: View your local 4‑H website or contact your local county Extension office for more details on programs and clubs in your area or volunteer information. Enroll in 4‑H with Your County: Contact your county Extension office to enroll youth in 4‑H or to ...
4-H Home - Purdue University
Nov 19, 2024 · 4-H enrollment is open now! 4-H began over 100 years ago, and has since grown into the largest youth development program in the nation. 4-H prepares young people to be leaders in their community and around the world through hands-on experiences alongside their peers and caring adults.
4-H Youth Development Program | Washington State University - Join 4-H
We’re so happy you’re interested in joining Washington 4-H! 4-H is happening in all 39 Washington Counties as well as the Colville Reservation, administered by the local WSU Extension Office. To enroll in 4-H: Decide on your project(s)!
Sign up for 4-H | Larimer County
4-H year runs from October to September. Membership to 4-H is open to any youth who are age 8 – 18 by December 31st. Children ages 5 – 7 can enroll as a Cloverbud. If you are applying for reduced enrollment fees, please complete the Reduced Enrollment Fee Application.
Youth Members - University of California 4-H Youth Development …
You join 4-H through your local county. Step 1: Go to your county 4-H Cooperative Extension office website. Step 2: Find a Unit to join. Your county 4-H office can let you know the units—or clubs—that are available in your county. Each club offers different projects.
4-H Enrollment - University of Maryland Extension
If you are a 4-H Member participating in ANY State Events, you MUST be ENROLLED in 4-H Online to be eligible to participate in your contest. To enroll in the Maryland 4-H Online program, go to https://v2.4honline.com .
Join 4-H – Wisconsin 4-H
Know your preferred club and ready to sign up? 4-H Online is our easy tool for getting registered as a member and becoming affiliated with a club. Not a kid? Want to volunteer? Volunteers help make 4-H possible. Extension volunteers work with staff to deliver educational programs using University and other high-quality educational resources.
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