HP 3PAR 命令行界面管理手册 HP3PAROS3.1.3 摘要 本手册适用于所有级别的系统和存储管理员。本指南提供了关于安装 HP 3PAR CLI 以及使用该 CLI 配置和管理 HP 3PAR Storage System 的说明。 HP 部件号:QL226-97812 出版日期:2014 年 5 月
StoreServ 7000. HP 3PAR StoreServ 7000 systems extend the innovative HP 3PAR StoreServ product line to the midrange and provide industry-leading performance and features at an attractive price. With “Thin Built In” to its HP 3PAR StoreServ family, HP remains the first storage vendor to incorporate thin capabilities into array hardware.
HP3PARStoreServManagementConsole 2.1AdministratorGuide Abstract ...
RatherthanusingaconnectionportaltoconnecttoHP3PARCentral,anSPinSecureNetwork ...
HP 3PAR OS that is related to a vdisk on the EVA P6000 system via the Peer links. Peer volumes are created in RAID0 on the physical disks of the HP 3PAR StoreServ with the Peer provisioning type and with the same size as the vdisks they relate to on the EVA P6000. Peer Volumes are visible in the HP 3PAR Management Console. Initially a Peer volume
ConfiguringPortsforaFabricConnection ToconfigureHP3PARStorageSystemportsforafabricconnection,completethefollowingsteps
HP3PARCIMAPIProgrammingReference Tousethisdocument,youmustbefamiliarwithbasicobjectorienteddevelopmenttechniquesandwiththefollowing:Storage
1Introduction ThisimplementationguideprovidestheinformationyouneedtoconfigureanHP3PARStoreServ ...
topic Re: HP 3PAR, Cannot reach TOC quorum in HPE 3PAR …
Use 'setsysmgr' to set system manager startup state.</P><P>Reason for being unable to automatically start:<BR />Waiting for 60% of TOC disks to be present before starting (currently 8 of an estimated 26) Run "setsysmgr tocgen" to start despite this.</P><P>7 disks were available to be examined for TOCs."</P><P> </P><P>can anyone explain to ...
topic HP 3PAR StoreServ Storage - HPE Community
But we would need support contract to download it, no to mention that it is advised, the firmware upgrade process to be done by an HPE engineer.</P><P>We are going to consider it though.</P><P>Cheers</P>