Building A Simple, Inexpensive 2 Meter Dipole Antenna
Jan 23, 2024 · A few days ago, I had the idea of building a simple dipole antenna for the 2 meter amateur radio band, similar to the dipole antennas I built to use on the HF bands. I rounded up all the supplied I needed to make this antenna, and headed over to the workbench and built and tested my newest antenna for ham radio.
Antenna for 2 meters : Antenna projects for 144 MHz - The …
Mar 14, 2025 · Build a portable VHF yagi antenna for 2 meters. All you need is two rabbit ear antennas from Radio Shack, two CATV baluns, four feet of 3/4 CPVC pipe with one tee. The HB9CV-Beam is a 2-Element-Yagi with two driven elements and was introduced by Rudolf Baumgartner, HB9CV in the 1950ies.
Build a Simple VHF Dipole Antenna for 2 Meters: A Beginner's …
This article serves as a beginner-friendly guide to constructing a simple VHF dipole antenna for 2 meters, perfect for novices in the hobby. With an emphasis on affordability and simplicity, it explains the basics without overwhelming technical details.
Portable 2m 144 MHz Coaxial Dipole Antenna - Get out of the …
Feb 10, 2018 · A homebrew 2m 144.2 MHz vertical 1/2 wave Coaxial Dipole antenna project for your home QTH, SOTA, portable field operations/WICEN exercises or the emergency 2m Go-box. Elsewhere in amateur radio circles this antenna is known as a 2m Flower Pot Antenna. Credits to VK2ZOI (SK). Post updated 5 May 2019, scroll to the bottom for details. Materials:
2 Meter Vertical Dipole Antenna by Jim Feldman - W6JMF - hamuniverse.com
2 Meter Vertical Dipole Antenna. I was looking to build an easy to breakdown 2 meter antenna for an event I was helping with. I have issues with J-poles, and while easy to build, I think they interact with their feedlines way to much. 1/4 wave ground planes work well, but will have half the signal of a dipole.
Mar 19, 2023 · A better design is to make a 2 m dipole with one (or two) closely spaced (about 1 inch) 70 cm 1/2 wave parasitic element (also called coupled resonator). You should add that to the Homebrew antenna section in the Wiki.
A Great Starting Point For Novices – Build a Simple Dipole Antenna
A dipole is one of the simplest forms of antenna. It’s a great ‘ No-Fuss ‘ affair that even the most inexperienced user can construct. Let’s look at a ‘dipole’ that would be useful for the 2m VHF amateur band.
Simple 2-meter Antenna | KV5R.COM
Apr 28, 2015 · Shop for 2 Meter Antennas here. This antenna is similar in construction to the 2-meter OFC sleeve dipole I built over 8 years ago, but it is a simple center-fed dipole. I used 1″ thin-wall PVC pipe, aluminum tape, and RG-8X coax.
2 Meter 440 Vertical Dipole Antenna Project by W7LPN
W7LPN 2m/440 vertical dipole. The project below is my own design for a dualband vertical dipole for 2 meters and 440. It requires a balun and works very well. I like to tinker, so when I finish one project, I go on to another, even if it works well.
Falcon 2 Meter Dipole Antenna
2 Meter Dipole 1/2 Wave Base Station Antenna; For Amateur Ham Radios; Weather Tight Indoor Outdoor Design; 1500 to 2400 Watts Maximum; The Best New and Improved dipole Antenna . The Best Falcon Radio Antenna 2 Meter, This is an Indoor and Outdoor 2 Meter 1/2 Wave Ham Radio Transmitting antenna. Rated for 1500 watts.