17 Weeks Pregnant: Belly, Symptoms, Baby Size & More
At 17 weeks, your baby has grown to the size of a turnip. Learn more about what to expect at 17 weeks pregnant with BabyCenter's week-by-week guide.
Pregnancy in weeks, months, and trimesters - BabyCenter
Oct 28, 2024 · See our pregnancy weeks to months chart, find out how long a trimester is, and learn how to calculate your due date.
17 weeks - still not feeling fluttering or baby move - BabyCenter
I'm 17 weeks and 3 days pregnant, but haven't felt baby move yet, i can feel baby's heart beat when i place my hand on my lower belly. I was wondering if this is normal?
Pregnancy Due Date Calculator - BabyCenter
Dec 12, 2024 · If you already know your due date, you can use this pregnancy calculator to see your pregnancy timeline. It will tell you when you'll hit various milestones, and when you may …
17 weeks why still always tired and fatigue is there - BabyCenter
I'm 17 weeks today and still pretty tired...especially through the week when I'm working. This is also my second and NOTHING like when I was pregnant with my daughter. I think that's why …
17 weeks experiencing cramping pains - BabyCenter
Dec 11, 2023 · I’m about to be 17 weeks pregnant and I feel cramping/pulling pain in my lower abdomen and lower back. Some of it feels similar to menstrual cramps but not as strong. Is …
How often should I feel the flutters at 17 weeks? - BabyCenter
Might depend on how long you’ve been feeling flutters? I felt my fist flutters at 14 weeks. I’m now 17 weeks. I feel baby at least once a day but in the beginning I would feel baby every ...
17 weeks pregnant and having back pain already? - BabyCenter
Dec 2, 2008 · I'm new to the group and I was wondering if anyone is already feeling back pain at 17 weeks pregnant. Also, by the end of the day I feel soo much weight down there just …
17 weeks and dont feel pregnant - BabyCenter
Jan 14, 2010 · I felt great after 14 weeks, no more soreness or nausea. I went into the Dr. because I was so worried so they hooked me up and the HB was there. It is "common" to feel …
CONSTANT headache at 17 weeks 4 days pregnant... - BabyCenter
Mar 1, 2012 · For the past week or two, I've had a constant headache that won't seem to go away. It isn't caffeine withdrawal, dehydration (I drink 64+ oz water a day), or my blood pressure …