01622 area code: Maidstone - Who Called Me?
List of locations using 01622 numbers and details about the 01622 area code including location map, code history, formatting advice and local number length.
01622 area code | Telephone Dialling Code For Maidstone - Who …
01622 Area Code (Dialling Code) 💡 01622 is the area code for Maidstone and the surrounding area. The UK telephone numbers from Maidstone have this format : (01622) ###### within the 5 digit geographical dialling code 01622 (including the zero) are 11 digits long.
List of dialling codes in the United Kingdom
When dialling a number from within the United Kingdom, all area codes start with a 0. When dialling from outside the country, the prefix is not dialed. For an explanation of the two-letter STD codes used below, see Introduction of area codes.
Maidstone Area Code – 01622 – UK Area Codes Finder
Find phone number prefix information for Maidstone, England including all of the local regions that use the 01622 area code.
Telephone area codes: Find UK dialling codes for numbers
Mar 31, 2022 · Use our tool to find landline dialling codes for geographic areas in the UK, and vice versa. The areas are generally cities and large towns, rather than local government areas. The codes all start with 01 or 02 – phone numbers that start with anything else are not linked to …
Area codes locator - Area code lookup by number or city
To find information on a specific area code, use the area code lookup that makes it easy to find an area code by number and gives detailed information including city/state, timezone, and area code maps.
01622 Area Code and Number Info - Dialling Code Maidstone
01622 is the area code for Maidstone, Kent, UK. To dial a phone number in Maidstone from overseas: To dial a telephone number in Maidstone from within the UK use the area code 01622 plus the number. For example 01622 111111.
Dialling Codes in Britain | Britain Visitor - Travel Guide To Britain
The dialling (area) code for London is 020. Dialling codes are also known as STD codes (subscriber trunk dialling). Manchester is 0161, Birmingham is 0121, Edinburgh is 0131, Glasgow is 0141, Bristol is 0117, Newcastle and Tyneside is 0191 and Liverpool 0151. The country code for the United Kingdom (UK) is +44. UK Telephone Booths
Area code lookup | List of UK telephone area codes - UK Reverse …
An area code is the prefix at the start of a UK number that tells you where in the UK the call is from. They are sometimes known as dialling codes or STD codes and let you know where the caller is from, or if it is a mobile or special services call.
UK Area Codes 016xx - 017xx (STD Codes) - Useful Information
An alphabetical listing of UK telephone area codes (STD Dialling Codes).
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