Treespear | Elden Ring Wiki - Fextralife
Treespear is a Great Spear in Elden Ring. The Treespear scales primarily with Strength, Faith and Dexterity and is a good Weapon for dealing Holy Damage, but requires a certain level of Dexterity in order to wield it. Its accompanying skill makes it most effective against Those Who Live With Death. Golden spear with tree-like design.
Treespear | Elden Ring Wiki - Fandom
The Treespear is a melee armament in Elden Ring. A powerful melee weapon that is the same length as a Pike, inflicting good physical and Holy damage at a good range. Golden spear with tree-like design. Wielded by knights employed as palace guards in the Royal Capital of Leyndell. Deals holy damage.
Treespear - Elden Ring Guide - IGN
May 29, 2024 · The Treespear is one of the Great Spear Weapons in Elden Ring, found in East Liurnia. Great Spears are larger and heavier variants of the spear weapon that boast higher damage output and...
Elden Ring Treespear Build – Lightning Lancer Guide - Fextralife
Apr 4, 2024 · In this Elden Ring Treespear Build Guide, I’m going to be showing you my Lightning Lancer build. This is an evolution of the Templar build and is a level 100 variation, it uses Lightning, a spear-type weapon, and a great shield to absolutely obliterate enemies.
Treespear - Elden Ring - EIP Gaming
Mar 10, 2022 · Golden spear with tree-like design. Wielded by knights employed as palace guards in the Royal Capital of Leyndell. Deals holy damage. Requiring superior dexterity to wield, this greatspear can perform consecutive thrust attacks despite its larger size. Weapon Skill: Sacred Order Attack Type: – Pierce Weight: 9.5
Treespear - Eldenpedia
Treespear is a melee armament in Elden Ring. A powerful melee weapon that is the same length as a Pike, inflicting good physical and Holy damage at a good range. Golden spear with tree-like design. Wielded by knights employed as palace guards in …
Treespear Stats, Upgrades, and How to Get | Elden Ring|Game8
Jul 3, 2024 · Read on for the Treespear's stats, upgrade info, how to use Treespear, and its location. Golden spear with tree-like design. Wielded by knights employed as palace guards in the royal capital of Leyndell. Deals holy damage. Requiring superior Dexterity to wield, this greatspear can perform consecutive thrusts attacks despite its larger size.
Elden Ring Treespear Builds | Location, Stats - RankedBoost
Elden Ring Treespear is a Great Spear Weapon that inflicts Physical and Holy Damage in the form of Pierce Attacks with the ability to use the Normal Skill (Sacred Order). Treespear will require Strength 15, Faith 18, and scales based on Strength D, Dexterity D, Faith D, Stats.
Elden Ring: Tree Spear Location - YouTube
Showcasing where to find the Tree Spear in Elden Ring. 0:00 Starting at Liurnia Highway South Site of Grace (Tree Spear Location)#PrimeraEspada91 #EldenRing ...
Treespear | Elden Ring - Hardcore Gamer
The Treespear is a Great Spear in Elden Ring that scales primarily with Dexterity and secondarily with Strength and Faith. The weapon comes equipped by default with the Sacred Order...